(a) the production, internal consumption and export of mica in the country during each of the last three years;

(b) whether there has been a slump in the world trade on mica during this period;

(c) if so, the reasons therefor;

(d) the contribution of MITCO in the process of production, trade and giving employment during the said period, year-wise;

(e) whether the policy of decanalisation adopted in 1990 for mica industry has failed to achieve the target; and

(f) if so, the steps taken in this direction?

Answer given by the minister


(a): As per information available, the production of mica during the last three years is given below:-

(Quantity in Tonnes)
Item 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000
Production Mica (Crude) 1697 1484 1273 Mica (Waste & Scrap) 909 1067 1039
Production estimates of mica are made by the Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), a subordinate organisation of the Ministry of Mines on the basis of the information furnished by the reporting mines. However, mica is also recovered from secondary sources and tailings, details of which are not maintained. The statistics on export of mica include export of mica in all forms. The export of mica during the years 1997-98, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 was 47892 MT, 50245 MT and 40890 MT (provisional) respectively. Data regarding consumption of mica is not maintained centrally.

(b): Yes Sir. There has been a slump in the mica trade on account of world-wide recessionary conditions.

(c): The main reasons for decline in mica trade are :
(i) sheet mica, a high value added product has been replaced by products manufactured from cheaper mica scrap/waste;
(ii) Substitution of mica and mica products by synthetic products;
(iii) Collapse of market for mica in erstwhile USSR and other East European countries.

(d): As per information furnished by Ministry of Commerce, MITCO(now Mica Division of MMTC) has never been engaged in mining of mica, hence there is no contribution towards production. As far as trade is concerned, MITCO`s turnover during the last three years is Rs.1268 lacs in 1997-98, Rs.1232 lacs in 1998-99 and 1333 lacs in 1999-2000. The number of manpower engaged in MITCO(now mica division of MMTC) during the last three years is 422 in 1997-98, 407 in 1998-99 and 400 in 1999-2000.

(e): The policy of decanalisation adopted in 1990 had not achieved its target. The export of decanalised items of mica has shown a declining trend due to reasons cited at (c) above.

(f): The Ministry of Commerce has initiated steps to get value added mica based products manufactured for exports and domestic consumption by asking MMTC to set up and upgrade industrial units in this field.