(a) whether some vehicles belonging to private contractors were seized in February, 2007 carrying huge quantity of clean coal stolen from SECL under the cover of transportation of rejected coal;

(b) if so, the details thereof indicating the quantum and value of coal stolen as a result thereof; and

(c) the remedial steps being taken by the Government to check the recurrence of such incidents in future?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Since there is no washery unit owned/ operated by SECL, the question of production/transportation of clean coal and rejected coal by SECL does not arise. However, two vehicles carrying 04 tonnes and 16.650 tonnes of stolen coal respectively were seized in Hasdeo Area and Raigarh Area of SECL respectively in February 2007. FIRs were lodged in the matter.

(c): Law and order is a State subject, hence the coal companies maintain close liaison with the State authorities. In addition, the following steps are being taken by the subsidiary companies of CIL to prevent theft/pilferage of coal:

i) Collection of intelligence reports about illegal coal depots and illegal movement of coal and informing district authorities of the same for taking preventive action.

ii) Installation of check-posts at vulnerable points to check transport documents.

iii) Construction of watch-towers and providing lighting arrangements around the coal stacking area.

iv) Erection of barbed-wire/wall fencing around pithead depots, static security manning including deployment of armed guards during the night hours.

v) Escorting of loaded rakes upto railway weighbridges by armed guards and joint patrolling with Railway Protection Force (RPF) in the long railway tracks which are prone to wagon looting.

vi) Stringent action against transport vehicles caught in the act of theft or pilferage.

vii) Engagement of lady security guards for preventing women and children indulging in theft/pilferage of coal, strengthening of the security discipline by reassessing the requirement of security personnel, horizontal movement of executives with aptitude for security work and inducting qualified security personnel at junior, middle and senior levels.

viii) Training of existing security personnel, refresher training of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel and basic training to new recruits in security discipline for strengthening the security set up.