(a) whether a number of industries have fallen sick in the country during the last three years;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise.

(c) the reasons for their sickness;

(d) whether any efforts have been made by the Government for the revival of these sick units; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b) : Data on sick industrial units assisted by banks in the country is compiled by the Reserve Bank of India(RBI). As per the latest available information, State-wise details of sick industrial units are at Annexure.

(c) : According to RBI report, a number of causes, both internal and external, often operating in combination, have been responsible for industrial sickness. The main causes include deficiencies in planning, management, marketing etc.

(d) and (e) : The Government has taken a number of steps for revival of sick industrial units which, inter-alia, include, guidelines of Reserve Bank of India to banks, amalgamation of sick units with healthy units, setting up of Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) under the Sick Industrial Companies(Special Provision) Act, National Renewal Fund, National Equity Fund etc.


Annexure referred to in reply to the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2559 for answer on 10.03.2000

(Figures in numbers)

Name of State/U.T.	March, 1997	March, 1998	March, 1999	Non-SSI SSI units	Non-SSI SSI units	Non-SSI SSI units	& weak	& weak	& weak	units	units	units
Assam 41 10133 44 15774 47 10586 Meghalaya 1 5531 2 4076 1 447 Mizoram 0 1199 0 615 4 40 Bihar 64 22702 63 24935 74 26293 Arunachal Pradesh 2 26 2 456 2 116 West Bengal 243 53451 240 53617 238 146182 Nagaland 2 2738 2 1386 5 166 Manipur 1 2707 2 1919 2 5237 Orissa 62 3408 57 1889 68 10134 Sikkim 1 30 1 33 1 28 Tripura 6 3171 6 2011 4 6914 Andaman & N Islands 0 13 0 45 0 25 Uttar Pradesh 202 23286 208 14294 218 17320 Delhi 35 3943 34 3580 60 3789 Punjab 62 2466 69 2376 80 3551 Haryana 78 2574 86 2149 103 3180 Chandigarh 10 170 3 163 5 187 Jammu & Kashmir 9 761 7 1627 7 630 Himachal Pradesh 31 2206 32 735 32 1103 Rajasthan 84 14561 87 15655 74 12835 Gujarat 213 6510 215 6808 223 4170 Maharashtra 399 19360 410 17925 495 13373 Daman & Diu 3 4 5 5 5 13 Goa 12 604 13 670 15 216 Dadar & Nagar Haveli 4 1 8 2 9 24 Madhya Pradesh 111 12070 116 8348 130 6808 Andhra Pradesh 264 15460 295 12074 369 6260 Karnataka 159 6937 171 6680 180 4342 Tamil Nadu 175 9809 198 12289 248 11408 Kerala 81 8908 85 8969 80 10074 Pondicherry 13 293 15 431 13 770 TOTAL 2368 235032 2476 221536 2792 306221