Question : Central Victim Compensation Fund

(a) whether the Government has set up the Central Victim Compensation Fund, if so, the objectives thereof;

(b) whether the Government has made any review of the modified Central Victim Compensation Fund, if so, the details thereof and the extent to which modifications made has so far been able to achieve its objectives;

(c) the details of the amount allocated for victim compensation by the Government and disbursed to each State;

(d) the amount of fund utilized by each State for victim compensation;

(e) whether the Union Government has observed any underutilization of funds by State for victim compensation; and

(f) if so, the action taken thereon to increase utilization of Central Victim Compensation Fund?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The State Governments/Union Territories (UTs) have notified their Victim Compensation Schemes in terms of Section 357A of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.P.C.). Further, in order to support and supplement the State Compensation Schemes, Ministry of Home Affairs had released Rs. 200 crores as
a one-time grant to State Governments/UTs under the Central Victim Compensation Fund (CVCF) from Nirbhaya Fund. The objectives of Central Victim Compensation Fund, inter-alia, are:
(i) Support and supplement existing Victim Compensation Schemes in the States/UTs as one time grant of funds.
(ii) State/UT to use the funds to compensate victims of various crimes, especially sexual offences including rape, acid attacks, crime against children, human trafficking etc.
(b) The Supreme Court, vide its order dated 11.05.2018 has directed all States/UTs to modify their Victim Compensation Scheme in terms of the Scheme prepared by the National Legal Services Authority. Details on any addition or modification in their Scheme by States/ UTs is not maintained centrally.
(c) The State/UT- wise details of the amount allocated under CVCF by the Government is at Annexure.
(d) to (f) Details on implementation and compensation provided to victims of a crime by State Governments/UTs are not maintained centrally.

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