Question : Area Affected by Floods

(a) whether it is true that as per the National Commission on Floods and the Working Group Report in 2011, the extent of maximum area affected by floods in any year during 1953-2010 is 49.815 million hectares and Andhra Pradesh is the most affected with 9 million hectares in the country, if so, the details thereof
(b) the details of schemes/programmes under which Government is extending financial, technical and other assistance to Andhra Pradesh for flood management, erosion control, etc., during the last five years;
(c) whether it is true that Flood Management and Border Areas Programme (FMBAP) expired in March, 2021; and
(d) if so, whether the Ministry proposes to extend this programme and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The assessment of flood prone area of the country has been carried out by different expert committees. The National Commission on Floods (Rashtriya Barh Ayog) in the year 1980 estimated the total area liable to floods in the country as 40 Million Hectare (mha). The extent of maximum area affected by floods in any year during 1953-2010 as per the Working Group Report (year 2011) on Flood Management and Region Specific Issues for XII Plan is 49.815 mha, the State-wise break up of which is given at Annexure.

(b) Flood management including erosion control falls within the purview of the States. Flood management and anti-erosion schemes are formulated and implemented by concerned State Governments as per their priority. The Union Government supplements the efforts of the States by providing technical guidance and also promotional financial assistance for management of floods in critical areas. No project of flood management in the State of Andhra Pradesh has been included for central funding during last five years under Flood Management and Border Areas Programme (FMBAP) of Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation.

(c) & (d) The ongoing Flood Management and Border Areas Programme (FMBAP) of Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation has been extended up to September, 2022.
Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) of unstarred question no. 1437 to be answered in Lok Sabha on 10.02.2022 regarding “Area Affected by Floods”.

The extent of maximum area affected by floods in any year during 1953-2010 as per the Working Group Report on Flood Management and Region Specific Issues for XII Plan

S. No. State Max. Area affected (million ha)
1 Andhra Pradesh* 9.040
2 Arunachal Pradesh 0.207
3 Assam 3.820
4 Bihar 4.986
5 Chhattisgarh 0.089
6 Delhi 0.458
7 Goa 0.000
8 Gujarat 2.050
9 Haryana 1.000
10 Himachal Pradesh 2.870
11 Jammu & Kashmir 0.514
12 Jharkhand 0.000
13 Karnataka 0.900
14 Kerala 1.470
15 Madhya Pradesh 0.377
16 Maharashtra 0.391
17 Manipur 0.080
18 Meghalaya 0.095
19 Mizoram 0.541
20 Nagaland 0.009
21 Orissa 1.400
22 Punjab 2.790
23 Rajasthan 3.260
24 Sikkim 1.170
25 Tamil Nadu 1.466
26 Tripura 0.330
27 U.P. 7.340
28 Uttarakhand 0.002
29 West Bengal 3.080
30 Andaman&Nicobar 0.030
31 Chandigarh -
32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli -
33 Daman & Diu -
34 Lakshadweep -
35 Puducherry 0.050
Total 49.815
*Erstwhile Sate of Andhra Pradesh (Prior to promulgation of the Andhra Pradesh reorganisation Act, 2014)

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