(a) the progress made so far in the Ganga Action Plan;

(b) whether attention of the Government has been drawn towards the UNDP 1998 Human Development Report inter-alia stating that many cities and villages on the banks of the Ganga depositing more than 13 billion litres of sewage directly into the river;

(c) if so, the measures contemplated by the Government so far on the report after 1998;

(d) if not, whether the Ganga Action Plan is proposed to be scrapped; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Ganga Action Plan has been taken up in two phases. Under the first phase which was started in 1985 an allocation of Rs. 462.04 crore was made out of which an amount of Rs. 451.70 crore has been released to and utilised by the participating States, namely, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. A sewage treatment capacity of 835 million litres per day has been created under the programme with the setting up of 32 sewage treatment plants. The Ganga Action Plan Phase I has been declared closed since 31.3.2000. An amount of about Rs. 487 crore has been utilised so far out of allocated funds of Rs. 1276.26 crore on the second Phase of the Ganga Action Plan approved in stages between 1993 and 1996, currently under implementaiton. Pollution from industrial sources is being tackled under the existing environmental laws.

(b) & (c) Yes Sir. According to the report 1.3 billion litres of sewage is reported to be going into the river alongwith other industrial wastes. To address these issues, the Government is implementing Ganga Action Plan in major towns along the river.

(d) &(e) Do not arise.