(a)to (c) The primary responsibility for managing natural disasters is that of the State Government. Ministry of Home
Affairs is the nodal ministry for management of natural disasters. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is one of the
supporting ministries.The Central Government supports the State in terms of human resource and material supplies
on their request or the extant of the disaster is beyond the coping abilities of the State. Emergency medical relief were
organized during major disasters like Floods in Assam and Bihar [2004] Tsunami [2004], Heavy Rains / floods in
Maharashtra [2005], Avalanche and earthquake in Jammu and Kashmir [2005], Heavy rains/floods in Gujarat [2006],
floods in Rajasthan [2006]. Emergency medical supplies made for these disasters amounted to Rs.3.72 crores during
2004, Rs.4.81 crores during 2005 and Rs.8.54 crores during 2006.
(d)&(e)Â World Health Organization extends technical assistance and logistic support to Member Countries during
major disasters. In the aftermath of Tsunami in 2004, WHO provided surgical and emergency health kits, insecticide
treated bed nets, chloroscopes used for water testing, bleaching powder, ORS etc. and technical support to strengthen
surveillance activity.WHO provided testing kits for leptospirosis and chloroscopes for heavy rains/floods in Maharashtra
and emergency health kits for Jammu and Kashmir Earthquake in 2005.
(f)Â Emergency medical preparedness and response activities include Emergency Support Functions, guidelines on
investigation and control of outbreaks of waterborne diseases, mounting of disease surveillance activities for
epidemic prone diseases and to contain if it has to happen, training activities on mass casualty management and
taking part in damage assessment team of Ministry of Home Affairs to assess the health sector damage and
recommending appropriate financial support to the States under CRF/NCCF norms.