Question : Export of Essential Commodities

(a) the commodity-wise and year-wise details of the essential commodities exported by the country during each of the last five years and the current year;
(b) whether any increase/decrease has been registered in the export of essential commodities during the said period; and
(c) if so, the details thereof along with the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a): The value of India’s export of essential commodities (broad category wise) during last five years and current year is at Annexure-I.
(b) and (c): The value of India’s export of essential commodities and the percentage change (showing increase/decrease) during the last five years and current year is as follows:
(Value in US$ Million)
Years Export of Essential Commodities Percentage change
2015-16 45,721.80 --
2016-17 45,914.87 0.42
2017-18 54,337.88 18.34
2018-19 64,377.05 18.48
2019-20 56,260.64 -12.61
2019-20 (Apr-Jan) 47,544.88 ---
2020-21 (Apr-Jan) * 34,754.26 -26.90
Source; DGCI&S. * Provisional
The changes in the export of essential commodities arises due to a number of global and domestic factors such as demand and supply in domestic and international markets, worldwide lockdown during corona pandemic, currency fluctuations, international prices, policy interventions, weather conditions etc.

Statement referred to in reply of part (a) of Lok Sabha Unstarred question no. 2629 for answer on 10th March 2021

Value of India’s exports of Essential Commodities
Value in US$ millions
S. No. Commodities 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 (Apr-Jan) 2020-21 (Apr-Jan) *
1 Bulk Drugs, Drug Intermediates 3594.6 3383.52 3540.42 3911.14 3885.87 3283.92 3660.58
2 Cotton Yarn 3608.12 3337.49 3424.92 3895.52 2760.51 2280.29 2177.57
3 Essential Oils 115.44 112.45 146.17 171.8 204.98 171.46 194.17
4 Fertilizers Crude 11.83 9.17 12.56 11.85 12.62 10.57 11.51
5 Fertilizers Manufactured 91.7 60.33 93.82 136.84 104.86 82.55 86.51
6 Floor Covering Of Jute 34.01 37.75 46.48 53.01 70.29 59.33 74.66
7 Fresh Vegetables 799.93 863.12 821.76 812 651.68 546.65 598.25
8 Fruits / Vegetable Seeds 80.89 78.16 104.04 124.93 109.24 94.07 105.91
9 Jute Hessian 125.54 138.23 141.23 113.81 103.04 88.59 83.02
10 Jute Yarn 18.34 10.65 20.2 15.58 16.57 12.88 11.88
11 Jute, Raw 17.18 11.44 14.81 15.3 14.6 12.49 19.23
12 Other Cereals 261.18 212.3 248.59 348.97 205.19 171.36 515
13 Other Jute Manufactures 117.47 123.31 127.17 142.53 152.71 131.29 115.36
14 Petroleum Products 30582.64 31545.26 37465.08 46553.58 41288.74 35329.08 19763.27
15 Pulses 252.09 191.05 227.75 259.35 213.67 177.62 224.24
16 Rice -Basmati 3477.98 3208.6 4169.56 4712.44 4372 3397.57 3267.19
17 Rice(Other Than Basmati) 2368.64 2525.19 3636.6 3038.16 2031.25 1638.88 3505.74
18 Wheat 164.22 66.85 96.72 60.24 62.82 56.28 340.17
Export of above commodities 45721.8 45914.9 54337.9 64377.1 56260.6 47544.9 34754.3
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata (*: Provisional) *****

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