Question : Fast Track Court

(a) whether the Supreme Court of India has requested the Chief Justices of the High Courts to create Fast Track Courts (FTCs) in the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the number of FTCs created in response thereto;
(c) whether the Government is satisfied with the performance of the FTCs and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(d) the number of cases filed/referred, disposed of and pending in FTCs during each of the last there years, State/UT-wise;
(e) the number of additional posts of judges created and filled up in the subordinate judiciary in the country along with the funds provided by the Government for the purpose during the said period; and
(f) the other steps taken/being taken by the Government to improve the functioning of FTCs in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): In its judgment in Brij Mohan Lal & Others v/s Union of India & Others on 19.04.2012, Supreme Court has endorsed the position of Government of India that continuation of Fast Track Courts (FTCs) is within the domain of the States and has directed the States that they need to decide either to bring the Fast Track Courts scheme to an end or to continue the same as a permanent feature in the State. A number of states have continued FTCs beyond 31.03.2011 with their own resources.

In the Conference of Chief Ministers and Chief Justices held in New Delhi on 7th April, 2013, it was resolved that the State Governments shall, in consultation with the Chief Justices of the respective High Courts, take necessary steps to establish suitable number of FTCs relating to offences against women, children, differently abled persons, senior citizens and marginalized sections of the society, and provide adequate funds for the purpose of creating and continuing them. Government has requested the State Governments and the Chief Justices of the High Courts to implement this decision.
(d): Information is not maintained centrally. However, as per the information available, cases transferred, disposed and pending in Fast Track Courts is annexed.
(e) and (f): The 14th Finance Commission has endorsed the proposal of the Government to strengthen the judicial system in States which includes, inter-alia, establishing 1800 FTCs for a period of five years for cases of heinous crimes; cases involving senior citizens, women, children, disabled and litigants affected with HIV AIDS and other terminal ailments; and civil disputes involving land acquisition and property/rent disputes pending for more than five years at a cost of Rs.4144 crore. The 14th Finance Commission has urged State Governments to use the additional fiscal space provided by the Commission in the tax devolution to meet such requirements.

Statement referred to in reply to Part (d) of Lok Sabha unstirred Question No.1940 for 5.5.2016

No Name of the state Number of cases transferred to FTCs since inception No. of cases disposed
off since inception by
FTCs No. of cases pending in FTCs As on
1 Andhra Pradesh 265545 248457 17088 April, 14
2 Arunachal Pradesh 4162 1660 2502 March, 11
3 Assam 84098 72240 11858 Oct.12
4 Bihar 239278 159105 80173 March.11
5 Chhattisgarh 94670 76575 18095 March.11
6 Goa 10185 8590 1595 Feb., 14
7 Gujarat 537636 434296 103340 Feb.,11
8 Haryana 38359 33590 4769 Dec.10
9 Himachal Pradesh 54651 47480 7171 Dec.12
10 Jammu & Kashmir NA NA NA
11 Jharkhand 110027 87789 22238 March 11
12 Karnataka 218402 184067 34335 Aug.10
13 Kerala 135839 116843 18996 Aug., 13
14 Madhya Pradesh 360602 317363 43239 Dec.10
15 Maharashtra 423518 381619 41899 Feb.11
16 Manipur 3512 3287 225 Oct.12
17 Meghalaya 1288 973 315 Oct.12
18 Mizoram 1868 1635 233 March 11
19 Nagaland 845 786 59 Oct. 12
20 Odisha 73093 67700 5393 March.12
21 Punjab 58570 46347 12223 Dec.10
22 Rajasthan 149447 123024 26423 March.11
23 Sikkim NA NA NA
24 Tamil Nadu 411957 371336 40621 Aug., 10
25 Tripura 5812 5591 221 March 11
26 Uttar Pradesh 464775 411658 53117 March 11
27 Uttarakhand 112726 103208 9518 June,12
28 West Bengal 202944 173299 29652 April 15
29 Delhi NA NA 2028 May 15
NA- Not available

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