The Minister of State (Independent Charge) in the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region [General (Retd.) V.K. Singh]
(a) No, Sir.
(b) Question doesn’t arise in view of (a).
(c)and (d) Under NLCPR Scheme, the projects to be retained from Priority List for all North Eastern States is determined by a formula which ensures its equitable distribution. In the formula weighted average of the latest information available of following characteristics of NE States are considered. The criteria for equitable distribution of funds under NLCPR Scheme as approved by the Competent Authority are as under:-
S.No. Characteristics Weights attached 1) Area 25 2) Population (census 2011) 25 3) Human Development Index(2004-05) 15 (in inverse proportion) 4) Road Density per 1000 sq. Km (2008) 7 (in inverse proportion) 5) % of Census (2001) Villages 6 Electrified (as on 31.08.2010) (in inverse proportion) 6) No. of Beds in Hospitals (Allopathy) 6 Per 1000 persons (2009) (in inverse proportion) 7) % of Households having safe 6 Drinking Water (Census 2001) (in inverse proportion) 8) Completion rate of NLCPR Projects 10
The present percentage worked out as per criterion adopted for equitable allocation of funds for retention under NLCPR Scheme is as under:
State Percentage (%) Arunachal Pradesh 13.06 Assam 27.78 Manipur 9.98 Meghalaya 10.76 Mizoram 10.42 Nagaland 10.18 Sikkim 6.54 Tripura 11.28 Total 100.00
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