Question : Swachh Bharat Mission in Rajasthan

(a) the details of the works carried out under Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) in Maharashtra and Rajasthan, district-wise;

(b) the details of the funds sanctioned/released and utilised under the said mission during the last three years;

(c) the estimated number of persons benefitted under SBM in Maharashtra and Rajasthan, district-wise; and

(d) the names of the agencies including in the districts of Yavatmal-Washim, Parvhani in Maharashtra and Jhunjunun in Rajasthan through which the amount released under SBM has been spent, district-wise?


Answer given by the minister


(a) District-wise number of Individual household latrines (IHHLs) constructed under Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) [SBM(G)] in Maharashtra and Rajasthan till 19.3.2021 are given in Annexure-1 and Annexure-2 respectively.

(b) Details of Centre share funds released to the States of Maharashtra and Rajasthan under SBM(G) during the last three years and the funds utilised by these States as per the utilisation certificates received from them are as under:

(i) Maharashtra
Financial Year Funds released
(Rs. in crore) Funds utilised
(Rs. in crore)
2017-18 1235.34 1094.41
2018-19 1352.92 681.97
2019-20 396.97 772.58

(ii) Rajasthan
Financial Year Funds released
(Rs. in crore) Funds utilised
(Rs. in crore)
2017-18 981.51 1051.83
2018-19 865.88 691.77
2019-20 390.00 551.55

(c) All the villages in the country including Maharashtra and Rajasthan have declared themselves Open Defecation Free (ODF). The benefits of ODF are accrued to all the people in a village. However, with reference to no. of IHHLs constructed, district-wise estimated number of persons benefitted under SBM(G) in Maharashtra and Rajasthan at the rate of average 5 persons per household, are given in Annexure-3 and Annexure-4 respectively.

(d) SBM (G) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme and the funds under the programme are released to the State Governments. The States have the flexibility to decide the delivery and implementation mechanism including funds utilisation.


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