(a) whether the target fixed for industrial development in the infrastructure sector has been achieved during the last three years;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the reasons for the decline in certain industrial sectors during the above period; and

(d) the steps taken to achieve the targets?

Answer given by the minister


(a)& (b) Some of the main targets and the achievements thereof for industrial development in the infrastructure sector during the last three years are given below.

Sector and Indicator	2010-11	2011-12	2012-13
1	Power generation capacity	Target	20359	17601	17956	addition (MW)	Achievement	12161	20501	20622
2	Energy Generation (Billion	Target	830.77	855.00	930.00	Units)	Achievement	811.10	876.40	911.65
3	Production of Natural Gas	Target	60.02	68.02	52.276	(Billion cubic meters-	Achievement	52.21	47.56	40.68	BCM)
4	Coal (domestic production-	Target	630	554	584	Million tones)	Achievement	533	540	572
5	Road Transport &	Target	2500	2500	3000	Highways	Achievement	1780	2248	2844	(Completion of construction	by NHAI –Km)
6	Ports- capacity addition	Target	169	226	246	(Million tones per annum-	MTPA)	Achievement	53	79	137
7 (i)	Railways	Target	1000	1075	750	(New lines - Kms)	Achievement	709	725	501
7 (ii)	Railways	Target	1000	1110	1200	(Electrification- Kms)	Achievement	975	1110	1317
(c) & (d) The shortfall in achievements of targets of power generation during 2012-13 was mainly due to non-availability of fuel viz. coal and gas. The production of natural gas in the country has declined due to complications in KG D6 block and because of no major discoveries in the recent past.

To meet the availability of coal for the power sector, Government has issued a Presidential directive to Coal India Limited to sign Fuel Supply Agreements (FSAs) with power plants that have been commissioned/would get commissioned after 31st March, 2009.

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has recently allowed exploration in the Mining Lease (ML) areas held by the contractors. This initiative is expected to attract investments by the existing oil & gas producers in the ML area held by them. The Natural Gas Pricing Guidelines, 2013 approved by CCEA will incentivize domestic natural gas production and attract increased investment in the upstream hydrocarbon sector.

Many of the issues concerning PPP projects in roads/highways on `transfer of equity for substitution’ and environment clearances have been sorted out recently. This is likely to encourage the participation of developers/contractors in PPP projects.

The shortfall in capacity addition achievements in port sector has been mainly on account of inadequate bid response for berths/terminals. The Ministry has targeted two new ports in PPP for substantial augmentation of port capacity in the country and increased capital dredging.

Railways have achieved targets in electrification but there has been shortfall in construction of new lines mainly on account of shortage of funds.

Infrastructure has been identified as a key priority area and Government has constituted a Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure in July, 2009 under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister. The Committee tracks the implementation of the infrastructure sector projects and monitors the performance keeping in mind the mandate of the Government.