Question : Awareness Campaign for Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation

(a) the details of the campaigns launched for bringing public awareness regarding safe drinking water and sanitation schemes; and

(b) whether the Government proposes to come out with a wide publicity initiative to emphasise upon the people to have toilets in their houses and to make use of the same and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (b) A Statement is laid on the table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. *217 for 16.03.2017

(a) Under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), upto 5% of total resources can be spent on Information, Education and Communication(IEC) for State and District level. 3% of the resources can be used at the Central level for the same purpose. Further for creating awareness about sanitation and generating demand for sanitation facilities, including toilets, a Sanitation and Hygiene Advocacy and Communication Strategy Framework has been adopted by the Ministry for activities under Information, Education and Communication (IEC). States are preparing and implementing State and district level IEC Plans based on this strategy framework. Massive media campaigns have been started at National level using Audio Visual (TV) and Audio (Radio). States are also carrying out IEC campaign including interpersonal Communication (IPC). Also cleanliness campaigns are held at regular intervals.

Under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), the execution of all rural drinking water schemes are done by the State Governments. However, 5% of the total NRDWP allocation is allotted to the States as Support Fund. Part of this fund is being utilized by the State Governments at the village, blocks, district and State level to launch campaigns for bringing public awareness regarding safe drinking water, judicious use of drinking water, reuse of water and water conservation measures through various IEC activities like distribution of pamphlets, audio visual media campaign, hoardings and inter personal contacts.

(b) The focus of Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) is on behaviour change of people to adopt safe sanitation and use toilet. In order to educate the people, the programme lays emphasis on community involvement. Many States are focusing on community approach, wherein the people are directly triggered and made aware about the importance of sanitation and hygiene using some triggering tools. Besides, conventional IEC tools are also used to educate the people. Swachh Bharat Whatsapp group has been created involving officials of GoI and all the States. Similar groups for individual States have been formed. A Facebook page for SBM(G) has also been created. Celebrities have been roped as brand ambassador.

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