(a) The quantum of paddy/rice produced in the country during the last three years;

(b) The measures taken to increase the production and quality thereof; and

(c) The strategy drawn up to develop improved varieties of paddy/rice ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : The quantity of rice produced in the country during 2001-02 to 2003-04 is shown below:

(Quantity in Million Tonnes)
Crop 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Rice 93.34 72.66 87.00

As per the advance estimates released on 5.8.2004

(b): For increasing the production and productivity of rice in the country, ICDP- Rice is being implemented under Macro Management Programme where the states have been given flexibility to choose the components most suited to their agro- climatic conditions and local needs.Under the scheme assistance is provided for propagation of improved production technology, hybrid rice production technology, integrated pest management through field demonstration, training of fanners including women; transfer of technology through electronic media and published literature; farm implements, installation of sprinkler irrigation system; varietal replacement; production of certified seeds, etc. as per the work plan of the State Governments. Besides, frontline demonstrations are also organized by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) on farmers fields.

(c) : Strategy drawn up to develop improved varieties of Paddy/Rice is given as under:

Major emphasis is being given for the development of Superior varieties of Rice that combine high yield with resistance/tolerance to diseases and insect, pest, etc.

So far more than 690 high yielding rice varieties have been developed and released for cultivation through All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project (AICRIP).

Through hybrid rice network program, 17 rice hybrids have been released so far.

High yielding salt tolerant varieties like CSR 10, CSR 13, CSR 27, CSR 30 have been developed by collaborating centre at Kamal. Among these, the latest variety CSR 30 released by CVRC as yamini is the first superfine grained basmati variety suitable for sodic as well as normal soils.