Question : NRDWP

(a) the details of the amount sanctioned, allocated and utilised under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise;
(b) the new areas proposed to be included under NRDWP during the said period, State-wise;
(c) the details of the projects/schemes sanctioned/proposed to be sanctioned for various States including Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh during the said period and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether the Government has assisted Gram Panchayats and trained the persons under the Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance component of NRDWP; and
(e) if so, the details thereof including the funds provided for the purpose and the number of persons trained during the said period?

Answer given by the minister

(a) The State-wise details of fund allocated, released and expenditure under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) during last three years and current year is at Annexure-I.
(b) There is no proposal in the Ministry regarding new areas to be included under NRDWP.
(c) Under NRDWP, the execution of rural drinking water supply is done by the States. The rural drinking water supplies to be taken up are approved by the State Level Scheme Sanctioning Committee (SLSSC). The States do not send their schemes to the Ministry for approval. However, as reported by States on Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) of this Ministry, details of ongoing schemes in various States including Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh is at Annexure-II.
(d) & (e)Under the National Rural Drinking Water Programme(NRDWP), 3% funds are earmarked for Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance (WQMS) which include water quality testing in laboratories, testing of water in Gram Panchayats using field test kits and bacteriological vials. Further 5% NRDWP Support funds are earmarked for administrative expenses, IEC, capacity building, R&D, Management Information System and Monitoring & Evaluation. The number of grass root persons trained in Gram Panchayats during the last three years and current financial year as reported by the States into the online Integrated Management Information System of the Ministry is at Annexure-III. Funds provided for this training could be met out of the WQMS and Support sub-heads of overall NRDWP funds provided to the States which is given at Annexure-I.

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