Question : Delay in Appointment

(a) the reason for the delay in the appointment of the members of Muslim and Christian communities in minority commission;
(b) the time by which these vacancies are expected to be filled in; and
(c) the details of all incidents recorded of minority persecution registered with the Commission from the year 2014?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b) Central Government vide Gazette notification No. S.O. 1676 (E) dated 23.05.2017 [read with Gazette notification S.O. No. 1791 (E) dated 02.06.2017] and No. S.O. 2104 (E) dated 4.7.2017 has appointed representatives from the Muslim and Christian communities as Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively in the National Commission for Minorities (NCM). .

(c) The details of complaints received in the NCM since 2014-15 is as follow:-

Year No of new complaints received Disposed off Pending
2014-15 1995 1983 12
2015-16 1974 1958 16
2016-17 1647 1599 48
2017-18 (Till 27.12.2017) 1165 986 179
Total 6781 6526 255


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