Question : Strategic Reserve of Water Resources

(a) whether the Union Government is considering for creating a strategic reserve of water resources for drinking water in consultation with Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and the State Governments to overcome from scarcity of drinking water in summer and drought like situation;

(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) Whether the Union Government has set up any road-map in this regard and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) Whether the Union Government has communicated to the State Governments in this regard during the last three years or is going to issue any advisory and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d) Under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP), a centrally sponsored scheme of the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MoDWS), financial and technical assistance is provided to all States/ UTs for coverage of rural water supply in the rural areas of the country. Under NRDWP, there is already a sustainability component under which States can utilize up to 10% of NRDWP funds for creation of structures like water reserves, check dams, pits, ponds etc.
Taking cognizance of the rainfall predictions of Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), MoDWS takes immediate steps to tackle the scarcity of drinking water as per the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and the States are requested to prepare contingency plan as per the SOP and execute the same to mitigate the scarcity of water. Moreover, MoDWS issues advisory to the affected States / UTs on measures to be taken by the States for mitigation of water crisis situations.

As a long term solution, MoDWS has directed the States to cover the rural households with Piped Water Supply. A strategic plan for providing drinking water supply in rural areas of the country for the period 2011-2022 has been prepared by MoDWS. This strategic plan aims to ensure that at least 90% of rural households are provided with piped water supply by 2022; at least 80% of rural households have piped water supply with a household connection; less than 10% use public taps and less than 10% use hand pumps or other safe and adequate private water sources.

Besides, National Water Policy, 2012 which has been forwarded to all States/ Union Territories and the concerned Central Ministries for necessary action recommends as under:

• Safe Water for drinking and sanitation should be considered as pre-emptive need, followed by high priority allocation for other basic domestic needs (including needs of animals), achieving food security, supporting sustenance agriculture and minimum eco-system needs. Available water, after meeting the above needs, should be allocated in a manner to promote its conservation and efficient use.

• Pricing of water should ensure its efficient use and reward conservation. Equitable access to water for all and its fair pricing, for drinking and other uses such as sanitation, agricultural and industrial, should be arrived at through independent statutory Water Regulatory Authority, set up by each State, after wide ranging consultation with all stakeholders.

• The principle of differential pricing may be retained for the pre-emptive uses of water for drinking and sanitation; and high priority allocation for ensuring food security and supporting livelihood for the poor. Available water, after meeting the above needs, should increasingly be subjected to allocation and pricing on economic principles so that water is not wasted in unnecessary uses and could be utilized more gainfully.

• There is a need to remove the large disparity between stipulations for water supply in urban areas and in rural areas. Efforts should be made to provide improved water supply in rural areas with proper sewerage facilities. Intensive sanitation and sewerage systems using the least amount of water with decentralized sewage treatment plants should be incentivized.


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