(a) whether attention of the Government has been drawn to the news-item captioned `Demolishing old mindsets for DDA makeover` appearing in `The Times of India` dated October 12, 2001;

(b) if so, the facts of the matter reported thererin;

(c) the reaction of the Government to the issues relating to the difficulties of Group Housing Societies, sale of apartments with DDA getting not its due share of profit and the revenue loss in House Tax Collection etc.;

(d) the response of the Government to the points made by the Delhi Cooperative Housing Finance Corporation on discrimination between DDA and Group Housing society flats; and

(e) the extent to which his Ministry has succeeded in changing the image of DDA as demolition squad in Delhi?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Sir.

(b): The following points inter alia have been mentioned in the news-item:

(i) 40 - 50% DDA flats which were allotted to the persons who submitted the affidavits to the effect that they did not own land/house in Delhi, have exchanged hands and the DDA did not get any benefit out of these transactions.

(ii) The new owners also did not submit any affidavit to the effect that they did not own land/house in Delhi and the Civic Bodies continued to levy House Tax on the original cost and not on the current price at which the flat was sold.

(iii) Similary, 30 - 35% flats constructed by the Cooperative Group Housing Societies have also exchanged hands and the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Government of NCT of Delhi; the DDA; and the Municipal Corporation of Delhi have become mute spectators to these transactions.

(iv) The DDA harasses the Cooperative Group Housing Societies for glazing of balconies though a similar facility was available in Government and DDA flats. This has also been brought to the notice of the LG, Delhi by the Delhi Cooperative Housing Finance Corporation.

(c): As per the DDA`s policy, the allottees of flats constructed by the Cooperative Group Housing Societies are debarred from transfer/sale of flats without the prior permission of the Lessor. In the event of permission to sell being granted by the Lessor, the allottee is liable to pay 50% of the unearned increase as Lessor`s share.

But in the year 1992, a Scheme of Conversion of residential properties from Lease-hold to Free-hold was announced. According to this Scheme, the transaction made through General Power of Attorney (GPA) and the Agreement to Sell were allowed to be regularised on payment of surcharge of 33 1/3% in addition to the usual conversion charges.

The MCD have reported that in the case of sale of DDA flats and the Cooperative Group Housing Society flats, the assessment as self occupation of such flat is made on the basis of cost paid by a new buyer and on payment of `transfer duty` or `transfer duty security` failing which the property is assessed on comparative rent basis ensuring that there is no revenue loss in house tax collection.

(d): As per the existing procedure, in the case of any Cooperative Group Housing Societies, any additional construction/alterations within the permissible ground coverage, floor area ratio (FAR), height and other requirements, require prior approval of building plan by the Local Body and the clearance from the Delhi Fire Service and Delhi Vidyut Board.

However, glazing of balcony in Cooperative Group Housing Societies is permissible provided it is within the ground coverage and FAR fulfilling the Delhi Fire Service requirement of 1 x 1 mt. openable window, for which regularization/addition/alteration plans are required to be submiitted for sanction. The above also requires approval of General Body of the Society with Structural Stability Certificate.

(e): The primary aim of DDA is to ensure development of the city in accordance with the provisions of the Master Plan. Therefore, in order to protect the Government land from encroachment and to ensure strict adherence to the building norms and bye-laws, action for removal of encroachment and demolition of unauthorised construction is resorted to by the DDA so that the growth of the city takes place in an orderly manner.