(a) the number of Ayurvedic, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathic colleges granted recognition by the Government during the current year so far;

(b) the number of such colleges inspected by the Government during the said period alongwith the shortcomings noticed therein;

(c) the number of colleges derecognised by the Government due to shortcomings noticed during the said period;

(d) whether the Government proposes to relax the rules framed by the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) so that these derecognised colleges can be reopened; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the time by which it is likely to be done?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The education in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani (ASU) systems of medicines is governed by the provisions of Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 and the education in Homoeopathic system of medicine is governed by the provisions of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. At present, there is no Act to regulate education in the Yoga and Naturopathy. Under the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 and the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973, there is no provision for granting recognition to any individual college or institution. Under both these Acts, there is a provision to grant recognition to the Degree being awarded by any University, Board or Medical Institution (Which itself grants Degree). In addition to this, as per the Amendments as carried out in both these Act in 2003 and 2002, respectively, now there is a provision for granting permission for setting up of new colleges for Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy (ASU&H) systems. As per the amendment in the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970; Section 13 C was also introduced for granting permission to the existing ASU medical colleges. At present, at present there are 311 ASU colleges and 186 Homoeopathic Medical Colleges, which are affiliated to various Universities whose degrees are recognized as its stand notified in the Second Schedule of Relevant Acts.

(b): As per the provisions of IMCC Act, 1970 and HCC Act, 1973 the Regulatory Councils do carryout the inspection of the colleges. The number of inspections as carried out by Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) and Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) during current year are as follows:

1. CCIM -306 ASU Medical Colleges

2. CCH -70-Homeopathic Medical Colleges

The colleges where in the shortcomings with respect to respective Acts and Regulations and norms/ criteria have been observed; necessary action is taken as provided in the Section 13A of IMCC Act and 12A of HCC Act.

(c) The Government has not derecognized any college during the current year as on 3.8.2011.

(d) & (e): At present there are neither any proposal for relaxation of the criteria/norm being implemented during academic year 2011-12 nor the rules framed by the CCIM.