Question : Medium of language

(a) whether English Language is the medium of teaching of most of the courses of higher education due to which rural students are deprived of higher education;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(c) the details of the higher education courses which are available in Hindi and other language mediums?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c) All Universities enjoy academic autonomy and therefore teaching of subjects and their languages come in their jurisdiction. However, the University Grants Commission (UGC) emphasizes for imparting education in Hindi and other languages to all its grants-in aid Universities in the country and some of the Universities have already started imparting education at undergraduate level in Hindi and other languages in some of the subjects. Similarly, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has also introduced “TAKNIKI PATHYAPUSTAK PURASKAR YOJANA” with a view to provide state of art knowledge of Engineering and Technology in Hindi language. The scheme encourages to write standard technical textbooks in Hindi to facilitate classroom instructions in Hindi Language in Hindi Speaking States. No students from rural background are deprived of higher and technical education because of medium of learning. Institutes provide special coaching to those students who report any such difficulty and give special attention to students to facilitate learning. Many State Universities have regional Indian Languages as medium for many under graduate and postgraduate courses.

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