Question : 2021 Census through Mobile App

(a) whether the Government proposes to conduct the 2021 Census through a mobile phone application, moving away from traditional pen and paper, to promote Digital India and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Government is planning on making some changes in the different parameters to be used for gathering the Census 2021 for making the data more appropriate and relevant and if so, the details thereof;

(c) the total amount of funds to be allocated by the Government to carry out the nationwide exercise along with the number of languages in which it is likely to be done; and

(d) whether the App can only be used by the Government enumerators who will be employed in taking census of the population, if so the details thereof along with the time by which the 2021 Census will begin and be completed?

Answer given by the minister


(a): During Census 2021, mix mode approach is being adopted for data collection. Enumerators can collect and submit data directly through Mobile App using his /her smart phone or they can use paper schedule to collect data

L.S.US.Q.NO.425 FOR 19.11.2019
and submit the same through Mobile App. Alternatively, the enumerators can also use paper schedule only to collect and submit the data.

(b): Certain changes have been made in the questionnaire on the suggestions of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).

(c): Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) has recommended an amount of Rs. 8754.23 crore for conducting Census 2021 in 16 languages.

(d): Yes, the State Government appointed enumerators will only be able to use the App for collection of data. Census will be conducted in two phases, viz., House-listing & Housing Census during April to September, 2020 and Population Enumeration during February 09-28, 2021.


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