(a) whether the All India Radio Broadcasting Professional Association has filed numerous complaints regarding alleged sexual harassments/exploitations of women employees working in the All India Radio including FM Gold channel;

(b) if so, the details of such complaints received by the Government and the action taken on each of such complaints/officials found guilty for such incidents during each of the last three years and the current year;

(c) whether the Government has constituted any committee to inquire into such matters including incident in FM Gold channel in All India Radio/Doordarshan;

(d) if so, the outcome thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;

(e) the terms of reference and the composition of the Committee set up with regard to exploitation of women working in AIR along with the reaction of the AIR Broadcasting Professional’s Association on the said Committee; and

(f) the measures taken by the Government to provide a safe work environment to women employees in AIR/Doordarshan and other offices/departments of the Ministry?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (f): A news paper article, titled ‘Women staff at AIR FM station allege sexual harassment’ in ‘The Indian Express’, of 06th March, 2013; reported that the All India Radio Broadcasting Professional Association (AIRBPA) had filed a complaint with the Delhi Commission for Women alleging sexual harassment/ exploitation of women Radio presenters of FM Gold channel of All India Radio (AIR). Taking immediate cognizance of this report, the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (MIB) constituted a three member Committee under the Chairpersonship of Joint Secretary, M/o Information and Broadcasting. The Terms of Reference of the Committee were as under:

(i) to look into the specific allegations made by the Radio Presenters of FM Gold, AIR, represented by AIRBPA; and

(ii) to look into the issues relating to safety at workplace of women employees working in FM Gold, AIR.

The AIRBPA forwarded a copy of the complaint lodged by them with Delhi Commission for Women on 04.03.2013 to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

The Committee considered the oral submissions and written documents filed by the representatives of AIRBPA, the submissions of the officials and the guidelines laid by the Supreme Court in the Vishaka case and submitted a report to the Government. The Committee has recommended various corrective actions and remedial measures to ensure safety of women, particularly those working during odd hours in Prasar Bharati. On the basis of the recommendations of the Committee, Prasar Bharati has since removed two contract staff engaged in AIR FM Gold, suspended the Programme Executive in charge of FM Gold Channel to facilitate enquiry and issued a show cause notice to the Head of Delhi Kendra, AIR.

Further, All India Radio has also constituted a Complaints Committee to enquire into the complaint made by one of the women FM presenter.

The guidelines of the Government for ensuring safety at workplace to women employees are being adhered to and in this regard instructions of the Department of Personnel & Training, issued from time to time, are communicated to the subordinate offices/autonomous bodies under the administrative control of MIB for strict compliance.