(a): Information is at Annexure-A.
(b): Information is at Annexure-B.
(c): Specific requests have been received from States/UTs of Kerala, Jammu & Kashmir,
Himachal Pradesh, Lakshadweep and Uttarakhand for allocation of more funds under NRHM to
improve health care facilities. The funds are allocated to the States on equity based
formula under NRHM and not merely on the basis of requests of individual States.
(d): Some instances of misuse of NRHM funds like mis-appropriation, misuse of untied
funds, diversion of funds from one pool to another without authorisation, excessive and
infructuous purchases etc. have come to light through Audit in States like Uttar Pradesh,
Assam, Bihar, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Orissa and Rajasthan. Such irregularities may occur
due to poor enforcement of financial discipline, inadequate availability and inadequate
capacities of financial staff etc.
The observations have been duly communicated to the concerned States for taking necessary
remedial action.
(e): The Department requested the Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) for conducting annual
transaction audits of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in all the States from the
Financial Year 2011-12 in order to identify the existing gaps, facilitate independent monitoring
and timely corrective measures so that a quality and timely audit assessment becomes available
to assist the State Governments in undertaking remedial measures and achieving the targets of
NRHM. The CAG has agreed to undertake annual audit.
Besides provision of annual CAG audit, following monitoring mechanisms have been put in place
by the Department of Health & Family Welfare for adherence to financial procedures and proper
financial utilization:
# Submission of quarterly Financial Monitoring Reports by the States;
# Annual Statutory Audits;
# Concurrent Audits;
# Visits by the teams of the Financial Management Group of the Department to states for
periodical review;
# Annual visits to states by Common Review Mission, which inter-alia, looks at financial
systems and mechanisms.
In some of the States during the visit, it was observed that proper books of accounts were not
being maintained at Sub district levels viz. books of accounts were not being maintained in
Double Entry System, bank reconciliation statements were not being prepared at regular intervals,
fixed assets registers were not maintained properly, tax returns on TDS deducted were not filed
on time, age-wise analysis of advances was not maintained, etc.
The deficiencies/shortcomings noticed during the reviews have been brought to the notice of the
States for remedial action.