(a) the details of the tourism projects announced/approved for infrastructure development during 10th and 11th Plan period and the present status of each of these projects, State/UT-wise;

(b) whether some of these tourism projects have not been completed;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor including the cost overrun as a result thereof;

(d) the steps taken by the Government to expedite the completion of said projects in the country; and

(e) the time by which these pending projects are likely to be completed?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): The development and promotion of tourism is primarily the responsibility of the respective State Government/Union Territory (UT) Administration. However, the Ministry of Tourism (MOT) provides Central Financial Assistance (CFA) to various State Governments/ Union Territory Administration for various tourism projects prioritized every year in consultation with them subject to availability of funds, inter-se priority and adherence to the scheme guidelines.

Prioritization meetings with State Government/UT Administrations are generally held before the commencement of each financial year. All pending and new proposals to be undertaken by States/ UTs are finalized in these meetings and taken up during the subsequent financial year. The timely completion of the tourism projects is the responsibility of the concerned State/UT Governments. Moreover, as per the condition laid down in the sanction letter of the tourism projects the State/UT Governments are required to commence the work immediately to ensure timely utilization of funds and to avoid escalation of cost. The projects should be commissioned within a maximum period of 30 months from the date of issue of sanction and any cost escalation on account of delay etc. would be met by the State Government and no reimbursement will be made by the Central Government on that account.

A statement with number of projects sanctioned, completed, amount sanctioned and released to various States/UTs during 10th and 11th Plan are given at Annexure.

Ministry of Tourism monitors for timely implementation of projects through, field inspections by the officers of the Ministry, periodical review meetings with the State Government/Union Territory Administration officers and Regional Conferences. Further, all States/UTs have set-up State Level Monitoring Committee (SLMC) which regularly review the progress of tourism infrastructure projects.

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