Question : Export and Production of Coal

(a) the details of production, consumption, import and export quantity of coking and non-coking coal in India in last ten years;
(b) whether India is observing a high coal inventory situation leading to coal surplus and lesser production and if so, details therefor for the last five years;
(c) whether the Government owned PSUs are allowed to export the surplus coal and if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether coal mined in India is competitive for export, quality and price-wise and if so, the details thereof;
(e) the initiatives that have been taken for making all types of Indian coal internationally competitive; and
(f) the details of the number of cases that are pending and investigations active in relation to coal pilferage and scam in India?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The details of the production, consumption, import and export quantity of coking and non-coking coal in India in last ten years is attached at Annexure-A.

(b): The detailed scenario of the Coal Stock/Inventory in India along with the Coal Production and Dispatch during past 5 years are given in the following table,
Figures in Million Tonnes
Financial year Opening Stock
of Coal Production Offtake Closing Stock
2015-16 59.389 639.230 632.442 65.361
2016-17 65.362 657.868 645.978 76.889
2017-18 76.889 675.400 690.003 62.036
2018-19 62.036 728.718 732.794 57.640
2019-20 57.640 730.873 706.770 81.431
Jan-21) 81.431 545.458 555.552 72.748

(c): The Government controlled PSUs can export coal. Coal India Limited (CIL) can use its Special Spot e-auction / Spot e-auction windows to sell coal for the purpose of export. Coal India Limited can also participate in the tenders floated by the neighboring countries to export coal after meeting the domestic coal demand.
(d): Competitiveness of a product is dependent upon various factors like consumer preference, desired quality, landed cost, logistical and financial benefits etc. For Nepal and Bhutan, Indian coal is competitive against coal of other countries. For Bangladesh, landed cost of Indian coal is comparable to the coal being received from other countries
(e): Due to Drift Origin, Indian coal resources, by nature, mostly consist of poor quality non-coking and coking coal containing high inherent ash. As such there is very limited availability of high quality coal in India, yet it is made competitive through pricing as pricing of coal by the Government companies is most competitive.
For improving quality of produced coal from available resources, PSUs like CIL have taken various initiatives:
• As around 95% of the coal production of CIL has been envisaged to come from Opencast mines & remaining 5% from underground mines, CIL has planned to deploy surface miners in various open cast mines for selective mining, wherever geological conditions permit. At present, production from surface miners contribute around 45% of the total production of CIL and shall further increase in future.
• Further, Coal beneficiation in washeries/deshalers is also a process by which the quality of raw coal is improved. At present, CIL has a total coal washing capacity of 34.63 million tonnes per year (Mty) through 12 existing washeries, of which 10 are coking coal and 2 are non-coking. CIL shall set up further 9 washeries in 1st phase & 3 in 2nd phase with an aggregate throughput capacity of 60 Mty.

(f): Law & Order is a State subject, hence primarily, it is the responsibility of the State/District administration to take necessary deterrent action to stop/curb theft / pilferage of coal. First Information Reports (FIRs) are lodged whenever any incident of theft / pilferage of coal comes to the notice of the coal companies. State/District administration take further action against the lodged FIR.
FIRs lodged in cases of theft / pilferage of coal during 2019-20, company-wise and State-wise is given below:
Name of the Company State 2019-20
ECL WB 228
Jharkhand 82
Sub Total 310
BCCL Jharkhand 12
WB 0
Sub Total 12
CCL Jharkhand 13
UP 0
Sub Total 0
WCL Maharashtra 18
MP 0
Sub Total 18
Chhattisgarh 2
Sub Total 3
MCL Orissa 2
NEC Assam 27

Coal India Limited 385

In the case of SCCL, one Police complaint was lodged.


(Quantity in Million Tonne)
Year Production Offtake Import Consumption
( Offtake + Import ) Export
Coking Non-Coking Total Coking Non-Coking Total Coking Non-Coking Total Coking Non-Coking Total Coking Non-Coking Total
2010-11 49.547 483.147 532.694 48.950 474.515 523.465 19.484 49.434 68.918 68.434 523.949 592.383 0.111 1.764 1.875
2011-12 51.660 488.290 539.950 51.723 483.576 535.299 31.801 71.052 102.853 83.524 554.628 638.152 0.097 1.917 2.015
2012-13 51.582 504.820 556.402 55.859 511.277 567.136 35.557 110.228 145.785 91.416 621.505 712.921 0.056 2.387 2.443
2013-14 56.818 508.947 565.765 58.464 513.596 572.060 36.872 129.985 166.857 95.336 643.581 738.917 0.008 2.180 2.188
2014-15 57.446 551.733 609.179 56.438 547.334 603.772 43.715 174.068 217.783 100.153 721.402 821.555 0.042 1.196 1.238
2015-16 60.887 578.343 639.230 59.213 573.229 632.442 44.561 159.388 203.949 103.774 732.617 836.391 0.064 1.511 1.575
2016-17 61.661 596.207 657.868 59.308 586.670 645.978 41.644 149.309 190.953 100.952 735.979 836.931 0.027 1.746 1.773
2017-18 40.148 635.252 675.400 45.380 644.623 690.003 47.003 161.245 208.249 92.383 805.868 898.252 0.068 1.436 1.504
2018-19 41.132 687.586 728.718 43.318 689.476 732.794 51.838 183.510 235.348 95.156 872.986 968.142 0.060 1.247 1.306
2019-20 52.937 677.936 730.873 50.656 656.114 706.770 51.833 196.704 248.537 102.489 852.818 955.307 0.002 1.046 1.047


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