(a) the quantity of ration for Army/Navy/Air Force Officers and jawans in India and its comparative figures in developed and Asian countries?

Answer given by the minister


A Statement is attached.


The ration authorised for officers and personnel in the Defence Forces of India is based on dietary habits of the Indian population, nature of duties performed by the personnel in different geographical terrains, climatic conditions and the resultant calorific requirement and as advised by the medical authorities. In view of these factors, any comparison with developed and Asian countries is not appropriate. Moreover developed and Asian countries may not like to part with this information being of sensitive nature. The time and effort spent on the collection of this information may not be commensurate with the results sought to be achieved. Thus this information is not being supplied. A Statement of the ration authorised to the three Armed services of India is given below : -

(in gms per day per man)
Sl BASIC Officers(Army/ JCO’s JCO’s Scale Scale No ITEMS Air and and of of force/Navy)Pea Others Others ration ration ce Field Scale (Below (above for for Air 9000 ft) 9000ft) Sailors men
1 Atta/Rice 450 620 570 600 600 2 Dal 40 90 85 90 90 3 Edible 80 (+ 5 above 80 85 80 80 Oil 9000 ft) 4 Sugar 90 (+78 above 90 140 70 90 9000 ft) 5 Milk 250 ml 250 ml 190 ml 190 ml Fresh tinned-100 + Powder-28 6 Meat 260 110 110 180 180 Fresh (meat Dressed tinned 110) 7 Potato 110 (+28 above 110 140 110 110 fresh 9000ft) (tinned 80 or dried 30) 8 Vegetable 170 170 170 160 160 Fresh 9 Onion 60 60 60 60 60 fresh

10 Tea 9 (+5 above 9 14 8 8 9000 ft) (coffee-5 ) 11 Fruit 110 (issued 110 60 50 50 Fresh 3 times a Citrus week) 12 Dalia and 20 xx xx xx xx Sago 13 Butter 20 (+14 xx 14 14 xx above 9000ft) 14 Condiments 20 16 16 16 16 15 Salt 20 20 21 20 20 16 Firewood 1400 ( or 1400 (or 900 (or 1.6 As Coal/ LPG-150) LPG 150) LPG 95 kgs required LPG/kerosene gm
17 Safetymat 2 match box 2 match 2 match 2 2 match ch (for per week box per box per match box per cook week week box week houses) per week 18 Whole 28 above xx 28 27 OR As milk 9000 ft (tinned substit powder 76 ) ute of (in milk lieu fresh of fresh milk) 19 Egg fresh 1 above 9000 xx 1 nos 3 nos. 3 nos ft (2 eggs in in lieu for non- lieu of meat veg of meat 20 Dried 4 above 9000 xx 4 xx xx coconut ft 21 Raisins 4 above xx 4 xx xx 9000 ft 22 Pickles 15 above xx 15 xx xx (vegetables 9000 ft 23 Jam 14 above xx 14 xx xx 9000 ft 24 Baison 30 above xx xx xx xx 9000 ft 25 Rum (on Cash Cash Cash xx xx medical allowance allowance allowance grounds) above 9000 ft 26 Vitamin 100 mgm xx 100 mgm xx xx ‘C’ above 9000 ft 27 Compound xx 1 nos xx xx 1 nos Vitamin tablets (on medical grounds) 28 Cigerette xx Cash Cash xx xx (on allowance allowance medical grounds) 29 Biscuits xx xx xx In xx lieu of bread