(a) the number of tuberculosis cases detected during each of the last three years ;

(b) the number of deaths due to the said disease during the above period ;

(c) whether due to non-implementation of the T.B. control programme the number of deaths on the rise as the disease kills a patient per minute, 1000 patients per day and 5 lakhs patients per year ; and

(d) if so, the reasons therefor;

(e) whether the treatment based on Dots is still not available in all parts of the country; and

(f) if so, the action taken/proposed to be taken by the Government in controlling the disease?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The number of TB cases detected under the National TB Control Programme during last three years is as under:-

Year	TB Cases detected under the Programme
2001-02 1118664 2002-03 1129076 2003-04 1147223

(b) & (c) Deaths are not reported under the National TB Control Programme. It is, however, estimated that two persons die from TB in India every three minutes and about 4,00,000 every year.

However, under Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), the deaths due to TB among patients registered for treatment are reported. Detail of deaths reported during the last 3 years is given in the statement at annexure-I.

Revised National TB Control Programme, widely known as DOTS, which is a WHO recommended strategy, with the objective of achieving cure rate of 85% of new sputum positive cases and to detect at least 70% of such cases, is being implemented since 1997 in a phased manner. Presently, more than 920 million population in 530 districts have been covered under the revised strategy. The Project districts have reported cure rates of more than 85% which means that more than 8 out of every 10 patients put on treatment under the revised strategy are being successfully cured as against less than 4 in the earlier Programme. The treatment success rate under this Programme has risen more than 3 times from 25% to 85% and TB death rate has been cut around 7 fold from 29% to less than 5%. Thus, there has been a substantial decrease in death rates from TB.

(d) Does not arise.

(e) & (f) DOTS coverage is being rapidly expanded in the country. From 20 million coverage in 1998, more than 920 million population in 530 districts has been covered till date. The preparatory activities are under way in the remaining districts and their status of preparedness is reviewed regularly so as to initiate service delivery at the earliest. It is envisaged to cover the entire country by 2005 under the revised strategy of DOTS.


Statement referred to in reply to part (b) and (c) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2299 for answer on 15.12.2004

Statement indicating of TB deaths reported under the Revised National TB Control Programme during the last 3 years.

Year	Deaths reported under the Programme
2001-02 15031 2002-03 19809 2003-04 (upto September, 2003) 15102

- The proportion of number of patients put on treatment under RNTCP and the TB deaths occurring has been same, but the number has increased due to increase in coverage of population under RNTCP.

- As treatment outcome (death, success rate etc.) becomes available only after one year from initiation of the treatment, the information in regard to TB deaths in 2003-04 is available only upto September, 2003.