(a) to (d): To promote the food processing sector in the country, the Government is implementing infrastructure
scheme with components for Mega Food Parks, Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure and
Modernization of Abattoir which could be availed by farmers for maximization of value addition, minimization
of wastages and improving their income.
In addition, Government has launched a National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP), a new Centrally
Sponsored Scheme during 12th Plan to give further impetus to the food processing sector. The following schemes
are included in the mission:
(i) Scheme for Technology Up-gradation/ Establishment/ Modernisation of Food Processing Industries.
(ii) Scheme for Cold Chain, Value addition and Preservation Infrastructure for Non Horticultural Products.
(iii) Scheme for Modernisation of Abattoirs.
(iv) Scheme for Human Resource Development (HRD) with the components of (a) Creation of Infrastructure Facilities
for running Degree/ Diploma/ Certificate Courses in Food Processing Technology; (b) Entrepreneurship Development
Program (EDP) and (c) Food Processing Training Centre (FPTC).
(v) Scheme for Promotional Activities for (a) Organising Seminar/ Workshops; (b) Conducting Studies/ surveys;
(c) Support to Exhibitions / Fairs and (d) Advertisement and Publicity.
(vi) Scheme for Creating Primary Processing Centers / Collection Centers in rural areas.
(vii) Modernisation of Meat shops.
(viii) Reefer Vehicles.
(ix) Old Food Parks.
The assistance under these schemes can be availed by the entrepreneurs including farmers for setting up
and promoting food processing facilities. The development of food processing industries will help in minimizing
wastage and maximizing value addition of agricultural and horticultural produce and higher income to farmers.