Question : Proposals from Madhya Pradesh for Sports Promotion

(a) whether the Government has received any proposal from the Government of Madhya Pradesh for the promotion and development of sports during the last three years and the current year;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(c) the action taken by the Government thereon?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c) Sports is a State subject and promotion and development of sports in the States is primarily the responsibility of the State Government. The Central Government complements/supplements the efforts of the State Governments.
A Centrally Sponsored Scheme, namely, Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) was being implemented during the period from 2008-09 to 2013-14 and another scheme, namely, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan (RGKA), a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, was implemented during the period 2014-15 and 2015-16.
Under the PYKKA Scheme, inter-alia, funds were granted to States/UTs for development and maintenance of playgrounds at Village and Block Panchayats. Under Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan (RGKA), there
was provision for creation of sports infrastructure at block level and conduct of annual sports competitions.
Another Scheme, namely, Urban Sports Infrastructure Scheme (USIS) was being implemented for creation of Sports infrastructure in all the States/UTs all over India including the State of Madhya Pradesh during the period from 2010-11 to 2015-16.
A new Scheme called “Khelo India – National Programme for Development of Sports” is being implemented by this Ministry as a Central Sector Scheme from the current financial year 2016-17. This Scheme, inter-alia, provides for creation of sports infrastructure facilities, namely, Synthetic Athletic Track, Synthetic Hockey Field, Synthetic Turf Football Ground, Multipurpose hall, Swimming pool, etc. This scheme is also applicable all over India including Madhya Pradesh. No proposal has been received from Government of Madhya Pradesh under Khelo India Scheme.
All the above Schemes are/were demand driven schemes. Proposals, as and when received from States, if complete in all respects and feasible, are being/have been sanctioned subject to availability of funds.
Under the PYKKA Scheme, funds to the tune of Rs. 32.55 crore were sanctioned to Madhya Pradesh for promotion and development of playfields and Rs. 4.65 crore for conduct of annual sports competitions.
Under the RGKA Scheme, funds to the tune of Rs.8.85 crore and Rs.0.42 crore were sanctioned to the State of Madhya Pradesh for conduct of competitions during 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively. No funds were sanctioned to Madhya Pradesh for creation of sports infrastructure under the RGKA Scheme.
Under the USIS proposals for construction of multipurpose indoor hall at T.T. Nagar, Bhopal, Laying of Artificial Hockey Turf at Madhya Pradesh State, Woman Hockey Academy, Gwalior, Laying of Synthetic Athletic Track and construction of multipurpose indoor hall at sports complex, Vidhisha were received from Government of Madhya Pradesh during the last three years.
Government of Madhya Pradesh was sanctioned a project of Laying of Synthetic Hockey Surface at Ranital Sports Complex, Jabalpur on 18.10.2011 at an estimated cost of Rs. 4.81 crore out of which Rs.3.62 crore was released as first installment. The Utilization Certificate (UC) in respect of Rs.3.62 crore released became due on 31.03.2013 which is still awaited despite repeated reminders even at the level of Chief Secretary and Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. In the absence of the UC, no further installment could be released for this project and other proposals received from Government of Madhya Pradesh could not be processed.
No fresh proposal has been received by Sports Authority of India (SAI) from Government of Madhya Pradesh for establishment of sports centres in its following schemes during the last three years :
? National Sports Talent Contest Scheme (NSTC)
? Army Boys Sports Company (ABSC)
? SAI Training Centre (STC)
? Special Area Games (SAG)
? Extension Centre of STC/SAG
? Centre of Excellence (COE)
? National Sports Academies (NSA)
However to promote sports in the state of MP, SAI has established 16 centres with 941 trainees (723 boys 218 girls) on residential and non residential basis.
Details of sports centres under SAI Sports Promotional Schemes in the state of Madhya Pradesh are provided at Annexure - I.

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