(a) whether large scale illegal mining of iron ore and other minerals is prevalent in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise and mineral-wise;

(c) the total number of such cases identified and action taken against the persons found guilty during the said period, State-wise including Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh;

(d) whether the Union Government/State Governments have any monitoring mechanism to stop/control/check such activities;

(e) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor alongwith the manner in which such activities are monitored by the Union Government/State Governments and;

(f) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government including any proposal to make legal changes in the prevailing legal framework to prevent such activities?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) Some instances of illegal mining of minerals, including iron ore, have come into the notice of the Government in various parts of the country. As per available information cases of illegal mining of major/minor minerals detected by the State Governments during the period starting from the year 2006 to June, 2009 is given in Annexure.

(d) to (f) State Governments have been empowered under the Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR Act) to curb illegal mining, transportation & storage etc. The Central Government has also directed State Governments to frame rules under section 23C of MMDR Act, constitute task forces at State/District level for prevention of illegal mining and furnish quarterly returns on illegal mining for review by Ministry of Mines. Central Government also monitors the instances of illegal mining, action taken by the State Governments to curb illegal mining in the review meeting with the Secretaries of State Governments held for the purpose. The Central Government has started the process to introduce legislative changes in terms of the National Mineral Policy, 2008, which enunciates that the States will be assisted to overcome the problem of illegal mining through operational and financial linkages with the Indian Bureau of Mines.

State-wise and year-wise statement of cases of illegal mining reported by the State Government

S.	State	Nos. of cases detected by Action Taken by State Governments
No.	State Governments	2006	2007	2008	2009	Vehicle	FIRs Court	Fine Others	Upto	seized	Lodged cases	realized	June 2009 filed
1. Andhra 5385 9216 13478 7332 844 2112.95 Pradesh
2. Chattisgarh 2259 2352 1713 599 2181 309.16
3. Goa 313 13 159 2 322 15.68
4. Gujarat 7435 6593 5492 3720 106 114 8 7085.67
5. Haryana 504 812 1209 416 103 138 2 133.33
6. Himachal Pradesh 478 - 503 375 464 21.04
7. Jharkhand 631 82 225 5592 202 39 108.41
8. Karnataka 3027 5180 2997 692 43585 931 771 3630.13
9. Kerala 1595 2593 2695 802 532.7
10. Madhya Pradesh 5050 4581 3895 2542 05 14831 1057.98
11. Maharashtra 4919 3868 5828 3285 15212 13 1129.01
12. Orissa 284 655 1059 365 1242+75 57 86 2309.36 cycles
13.Punjab 218 26 50 48 2.96
14.Rajasthan 2359 2265 2178 1130 368 441 59 413.49
15.Tamilnadu 2140 1263 1573 98 18722 133 155 6369.96
16.Uttarakhand - 191 683 38.50
17.West Bengal 80 426 315 51 3680 897 167