Tur , Shri Lehna Singh

Tur , Shri Lehna Singh

Party Name : Unattached
Constituency : Taran Taran
State : Punjab
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 7

More Information :
TUR, SHRI LEHNA SINGH, B.A., LL.B. [U,A.—Punjab- Tarn Taran, 1980]  s. of late Jathedar Shri Mohan Singh Tur; b. at Tur Village Amritsar District, February 12, 1941; ed. at Punjab University, Chandigarh and Law Department, Punjabi University, patiala; m. Smt. Baldev Kaur, November 5, 1972; 1 s. and 1 d.; Advocate and Legal Adviser to various institutions such as Cooperative Banks, Local Bodies and Punjab State Electricity Board; presently Member, Committee on Government   Special interests : Reading law books.   Sports and clubs : Playing cards, Member, Rajindra Gymkhana Club, Patiala.   Permanent address : Tur Village, Tarn Taran Tahsil, Amritsar District, Punjab.