Natchiappan , Dr. Sudarsana E.M.

Natchiappan , Dr. Sudarsana E.M.

Party Name : Indian National Congress
Constituency : Sivaganga
State : Tamil Nadu
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 13

Father's Name : Shri N.V. Madhavan
Mother's Name : Smt. Sethu Thangam
Date of birth : 29 Sep 1947
Profession : Advocate Educationist, Writer
Positions held :
1972-75 President, District Youth Congress, Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu1972-80 General Secretary, District Congress Committee (D.C.C.), Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu1975-76 General Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Youth Congress, Madras1976-95 State Secretary, Indian National Rural Labour Federation, Tamil Nadu1980-84 Vice-President, D.C.C., Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu1984-89 President, D.C.C., Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu1985-90 Chairman, Panchayat Union, Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu1989-90 Convenor, Parliamentary Constituency, Sivaganga1990-91 State Congress Secretary, Pradesh Panchayat Union Chairmen Association, Madras1999 President, Tamil Nadu Human Rights DepartmentConvenor, Tamil Nadu State Congress ParliamentariansElected to 13th Lok Sabha1999-2000 Member, Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and ForestsMember, Committee on Government Assurances2000-2004 Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
More Information :
Books Published
i) “Panchayat Act”; and (ii) “A New Look for SC & ST”; columnist on SC and ST Welfare programmes in Dhinamalar, Tamil Daily; Editor, (i) Congress Centenary Souvenir, (ii) Panchayati Raj Handbook, 1995
Literary, Artistic & Scientific Accomplishments
Writing on SC & ST Welfare programmes in Dhinamalar, A Tamil daily
Special Interests
Keen interest in the activities pertaining to education, agriculture and Trade Unions
Sports and Clubs
Chairman, Lions Club International
Countries Visited
Malaysia, Nepal and Singapore; attended International Seminars representing India at (i) International Confederation of Free Trade Union, 1976; (ii) International Labour Organisation, 1977; (iii) International Federation for Plantation, Agricultural and Allied Organisations, 1983; and (iv) SAARC Economic Human Rights Seminar, Kathmandu
Other Information
Member Senate, International Human Rights Organisation, FIAN, Heidelberg, Germany; Madurai University, 1990-93; Professor, 1984-98; Secretary, (i) Students Congress Law College, Madras, 1969-71; and (ii) Tamil Nadu State Lawyers Cell, 1995-97; Lecturer and Trainer, Geneva-based International Agricultural and Allied Workers Organisation (IFPAAW)—Tom Bevin Institute (Guest Lecturer and trainer); Founder, (i) 21st Century Law Consultancy International, New Delhi and Chennai, (ii) 21st Century International School, Kodaikanal and Sivaganga; (iii) 21st Century Agro-garden Consultancy International, Chennai; and (iv) 21st Century Management Consultancy International, Chennai and New Delhi; Courted arrest, twice and remanded for picketing Post Office demanding release of Smt. Indira Gandhi, 1977-78; also arrested twice for participating in the Congress agitation for naming Kamaraj Railway Station as declared by Rajiv Gandhi in AICC meet, 1995; Lawyer, Supreme Court of India