Mohideen , Shri M. Gulam

Mohideen , Shri M. Gulam

Party Name : Congress
Constituency : Dindigul
State : Madras
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 2

More Information :
MOHIDEEN, SHRI M. GULAM, Cong., (Madras—Dindigul— 1957): S. of S. Mohemed Meera Rowther; B. Uthamapalayam, July, 1918; ed. at Board High School, Uthamapalayam and American College, Madurai; Landlord; Ex-Secretary, Madurai Students' Organisation and Co-operative Stores Uthamapalayam; Ex-Member, Theni Co-operative Society, Theni; Went underground at end of 1941; Took active part in 1942 movement; As student leader conducted many struggles during war period; Was President, District, Town and Provincial Congress Committees; Interested in Kisan and development works; Now President, Panchayat Board, Uthamapalayam and Honorary Jail Visitor, Uthamapalayam Sub-Jail. Permanent address: East Street, Uthamapalayam, Madurai Distt.  [Voting results at the Election: Electorate: 8,55,388 Shri M. Gulam Mohideen . . 2,25,510 Shri Krishnaswami . .        1,32,070 Shri Karuppa Pillai ..         41,724]