Meena, Shri Harish Chandra

Meena, Shri Harish Chandra

Party Name : Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP)
Constituency : Dausa
State : Rajasthan
Member Experience : Elected to Loksabha 1 time
Last Loksabha Attended : 16

Father's Name : Shri Narayan Meena
Mother's Name : Smt. Narayani Devi
Date of birth : 05 Sep 1954
Profession : IPS Officer (Retd.) Agriculturist
Positions held :
1981 - 1991 Superintendent of Police2003 - 2007 Addl. Director General of Police2014 Secretary (Security), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi1991 - 1997 Dy. Inspector General of Police1997 - 2003 Inspector General of Police2007 - 2013 Director General of PoliceMay 2014 Elected to 16th Lok Sabha30 July 2014 - 18 Mar. 2015 & 29 Apr. 2015 - 24 D Member, Committee on Security in Parliament ComplexMember, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment1 Sep. 2014 - 13 March 2016 Member, Standing Committee on Home Affairs14 March 2016 - 31 Aug. 2018 Member, Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture5 April 2018 Member, The Central Advisory Committee for the National Cadet Corps9 April 2018 Member, Sub-Committee of the Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture1 Sept. 2018 - 24 Dec. 2018 Member, Standing Committee on Home Affairs24 Dec. 2018 Resigned
More Information :
Literary, Artistic & Scientific Accomplishments
* As DGP, Rajasthan, was a Member of Police Medal Committee of Home Ministry, Govt. of India for award of various police medals for contribution & achievements in the functioning of police. * Organized various scientific activities related to use of computer, scientific aids in investigation, etc in police to make police more methodical through application of advanced technology and new innovative methodology.
Social And Cultural Activities
* As Director General of Police, Rajasthan,encouraged various cultural activities amongst police force to promote local folk songs, music and musical instruments. * Introduced Village guard system for police presence in every village of the State. * Launched Student Police cadet scheme or better youth cooperation and participation in policing.
Special Interests
* Developing professional skills through training in organizations * Making administrative system transparent and accountable * Analyzing the existing practices in the system and introducing new methods to make it more efficient * Developing team spirit in the organization * Mountaineering : Twice led the Indian Police Delegation to Hot Springs, Ladakh * Strengthening internal security : Participated in course on Terrorism in Los Angeles & Washington.
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
* Meeting cross sections of society to understand the problems and finding solutions * Visiting countryside and assessing the needs of rural areas for betterment * Reading * Watching culturally strong dramas and concerts
Sports and Clubs
* Captained Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi in Inter-University Basket Ball Tournament. * Captained Rajasthan College in Inter College Basket Ball Tournament. * Captained Rajasthan College in Inter College Hockey Tournament. * Represented Indian Table Tennis Team as Delegate in Asian Championship and World Table Tennis Championship
Countries Visited
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Other Information
* Remained Director General Police (Police Chief), Rajasthan from 2009 to 2013 which is a record so far * An independent Police University (Sardar Patel Police University, 2012), was set to study the challenges of modern day policing and meet the needs to professionalize police working. * Set up an Independent Training Institute for imparting dedicated/specialized training to Rajasthan Police Intelligence Branch, at Jaipur in 2013. * A dedicated Commando Training Institute was set up at Jodhpur to meet the challenges of modern day terrorism in 2013. * Introduced new transparent process of recruitment of Police Constables in Rajasthan which was completely computerized and monitored online. The same was also emulated by various States, Para Military and Armed Forces * Standards of strength of policemen per police station was standardized on basis of modern day requirement * Specialized counter terrorism units were created and separate facilities with dedicated training institution was set up at Jodhpur. * The morale of force was always kept high by timely promotions, requisite allowances and professional training * To meet the ever growing need of housing facility of police personnel, Police Housing Scheme was accelerated and Police Housing Corporation was created * Police Commissionerate System was Introduced for the first time in Rajasthan in Jaipur & Jodhpur. Separate wings of law-order & investigation were introduced which resulted in greater police efficiency and better crime control. * Village Guard System was introduced for better co-ordination with public and improving information system in rural areas * Crime against Weaker sections, women & children was monitored and separate cell under an Addl. Director General of Police was constituted * Last assignment was Secretary (Security) Cabinet Secretariat in Govt. of India. This is the most sensitive assignment to counter threats to VVIP and ensuring safely and security besides picking up right person for right duty * Regular Interaction with public to address grievances not only helped in building image of police but also contributed in restoring Dausa Parliamentary seat to BJP after 25 years Awards : Police Medal (Year 1996) for Meritorious Services. President Police Medal (Year 2002) for Distinguished Services.