Working Group on Empowerment of the Minorities

for Ministry of Minority Affairs | Date - 14-09-2011

A Working Group on Empowerment of the Minorities for formulation of the 12th Five Year Plan has been constituted in the Ministry of Minority Affairs by the Planning Commission. Meetings have been held with selected Central Ministries, State Governments and selected representatives from different minority communities including some Members of Parliament on issues relating to formulation of plan schemes for minorities for the 12th Five Year Plan where identification of backward blocks instead of districts having a high minority population for implementation of Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) was discussed.

Out of the total plan allocation of Rs.3870 crore for MsDP during Eleventh Five Year Plan, an amount of Rs. 3311.55 crore has already been approved by the Ministry of Minority Affairs and an amount of Rs. 2162.03 have been released to the States/UTs based on the district plans and utilization certificates submitted by the States/UTs.

The State Governments and UT administration implement MsDP scheme as per the guidelines of the Programme which are focused on development of minority communities and areas. However, some cases have come to the notice of the Ministry of Minority Affairs where projects have not been located in substantial minority areas. The Ministry has advised the State Government to take corrective action immediately and release of further funds to the State was put on hold, till rectification was done.



(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)