Women Population above 60 Years of Age

for Ministry of Women and Child Development | Date - 03-12-2010

While benefits from various welfare schemes/programmes can be accessed by women above 60 years of age, subject to their meeti

While benefits from various welfare schemes/ can be accessed by women above 60 years of age, subject to their meeting laid down conditions under the respective scheme/, the Government has taken a number of specific initiatives for the benefit of older persons irrespective of their gender, such as:-

Under the Central Sector Scheme of Integrated for Older Persons, financial assistance is given to voluntary organizations for running and maintenance of old age homes, mobile medical units etc. for the destitute senior citizens and for setting up of Multi Facility Care Centre for Older Widow Women to provide full time shelter, care, training in income generating activities, conduct of religious , yoga etc. to older widows.

The Income Tax Act, 1961 provides higher basic exemption of Rs.1.90 for the resident women tax payers. In case of any resident individual tax payer of 65 years or more, the basic exemption is even higher at Rs.2.40 irrespective of the gender.

The Indian Railways grants concession in fare to senior citizens of minimum 60 years, travelling for any purpose. The percentage element of concession for women is 50% while it is 30% for men. In addition, the National Aviation Company of India Ltd. offers a concession of 50% on the normal published fare in economy class to women of 63 years and above for travel on domestic sectors.

Under Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS) that was launched in February, 2009, widow pension @ Rs. 200/- per month is provided to BPL widows in the age group of 40-64 years. The State-wise number of BPL widows getting pension is given under:

, Minister of State for Women and Child Development in a written reply to a question in the today.


(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)