Visit of Minister for Petroleum &Natural Gas and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Shri Dharmendra Pradhan to Japan

for Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas | Date - 15-10-2017

Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Shri Dharmendra Pradhan will undertake an official visit to Japan from 16-18 October 2017including participating in the 6th Annual LNG Producers Consumer Conference.

The visit of Shri Pradhan is a follow up of the visit of Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe to India in September, 2017. The visit is important to enhance the bilateral engagements in the Oil and Gas sectors within the overall framework of India-Japan Energy Dialogue. The visit also aims to enhance cooperation in establishing a transparent, efficient, truly global and balanced LNG market.

The LNG Producer-Consumer Conference is a global annual dialogue to promote active dialogue among LNG producers, consumers and other stakeholders with a view to deepening shared understandings of market trends and to develop a global LNG market. The conference provides the right opportunity to brief on the Indian Gas sector and the recent policy reforms with the opportunities available for investment to the Ministers and leaders of global gas industry. Sh. Pradhan will be delivering a key note speech at the Ministerial Session on “Developing LNG Market in Asia – Government Perspectives”. Energy Ministers from Qatar, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Japan and other leading hydrocarbon experts are scheduled to participate in the Conference.

During his visit, Shri Pradhan will meet with his Japanese Counterpart Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Japan Mr Hiroshige Seko to discuss issues of bilateral engagement in the hydrocarbon sector. A Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) is scheduled for signing on “establishing a Liquid, Flexible and Global LNG Market” between India and Japan. The MoC will provide a framework for bilateral cooperate in facilitating flexibility in LNG contracts, abolition of Destination Restriction Clause and also explore possibilities of cooperation in establishing reliable LNG spot price indices reflecting true LNG demand and supply.

Shri Pradhan will also be meeting with representatives of Japanese Companies, including Osaka Gas, Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL), Japex, and JERA for exploring areas of further engagement with the Indian companies.

In order to discuss the possibilities of cooperation in the skill sector, Sh. Pradhan is scheduled to have a meeting with Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan Mr. Katsunobu Kato. A Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) is expected to be signed on the “Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)” which will pave the way for bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the area of skill development. Shri Pradhan is also scheduled to visit Kanto Polytechnic College, Oyama during the visit.


(Release ID :171735)

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