Utilization of Funds for the Welfare of Minorities

for Ministry of Minority Affairs | Date - 16-08-2012

Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP) was launched in 2008-09 with an allocation of Rs. 3,780 crore for 11th Five Year Plan. Out of this, Rs.2980 crore (79% of total allocation) has been released for 90 Minority Concentration Districts (MCDs) for implementation of various schemes under MsDP. Giving this information in written reply to a question in the Lok sabha, Minister of State for Minority Affairs, Shri Vincent H. Pala, also said that the pre-matric and post-matric scholarships meant for the minority communities are properly utilised by the State Governments.

Giving State-wise performance report in respect of Pre-matric and Post-matric Scholarships Schemes since inception Shri Pala said that the Ministry of Minority Affairs gives utmost emphasis on proper advertisement and publicity of scholarship schemes meant for the minority communities. He said that multimedia campaigns are being carried out to reach the target group. In order to promote transparency, uploading of the list of beneficiaries on the website by the State Governments/UT Administration has been made mandatory. Activity-wise time-lines have been laid down and communicated to the States/Union Territories for various Scholarship Schemes of the Ministry. Subsequent release of funds has been made subject to submission of Utilization Certificate/s in respect of funds released in the previous years. Thus, all out efforts have been continuing for effective utilization of funds, the Minister informed the House.



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