Storage of Important Reservoirs in the Country (as on 30 May 2013)

for Ministry of Water Resources | Date - 08-08-2013

Central Water commission is monitoring storage position of 85 important reservoirs spread all over the country, of which as many as 37 reservoirs are having significant hydro-power benefits with installed capacities of more than 60 MW each. The combined live storage in these 84 reservoirs at the beginning of monsoon i.e. 1.6.2013 was 21% of their designed capacity and stood at 52 % of designed capacity as on 25.07.2013. The present storage is 227% of last year’s storage and 166% of last 10 years average storage during the same period. Out of these 85 reservoirs there are presently 17 reservoirs where this year’s storage is 80% or less of the average of previous 10 years and in remaining 68 reservoirs the storage is more than 80% of the average of previous 10 years. In order to derive the best possible benefits from the available water, Central Water Commission is keeping in touch with the Department of Agriculture and Co-operation and providing information of the weekly storage position to the Crop Weather Watch Group for evolving suitable crop strategies and also appraising the situation to various Departments and Ministries involved in Water Resources Planning.

Basin wise storage position as on 25.07.2013 is as follow:

The storage position in Ganga, Indus,Narmada, Tapi, Mahi, Godavari,

West flowing rivers of South, Krishna and Cauvery & neighbouring EFRs basin is better than average of previous 10 years. Sabarmati and Mahanadi & Neighbouring EFRs is close to normal whereas Rivers of Kutch basin is highly deficient.

Out of 37 reservoirs with significant hydro potential, 4 reservoirs have storage build up less than or equal to the average of last 10 years.



(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)