State level campaigns on Ksharsutra

for Ministry of Health and Family Welfare | Date - 12-12-2007

Ministry of Health, Department of AYUSH organized a National campaign on Ksharsutra technique of Ayurveda for the treatment of Fistula-in-Ano and piles in New Delhi in August 2007. The scientific presentation and research data made available at the campaign convinced the participants, specially the allopathic doctors to adopt Ksharsutra as a better management technique for Fistula-in-Ano. One of the major recommendations of the national campaign was to organize state level campaigns on Ksharsutra so that Ksharsutra centers are established in district hospitals, community hospitals and medical college’s hospitals. Task Forces have been constituted both at the National and State level to implement the programme in the States.

This initiative of Department of AYUSH is picking up very well and the first state level campaign was launched in Chattisgarh on 22nd November, 2007 at Raipur. The campaign-cum-workshop of Ksharsutra inaugurated by Chief Minister and was attended by Health Minister, Health Services officers and 35 allopathic doctors/surgeons and 120 Ayurvedic doctors and opinion makers. As a follow up action Chattisgarh has decided to set up Ksharsutra clinic in the existing district hospitals. The training programme for the trainers will soon be organized in the faculty of Ayurveda, BHU, Varanasi. State Medical College, Raipur and Ayurvedic College, Raipur have been identified as the State training centers of Ksharsutra for Chattisgarh State.

Other States have also fixed up dates for their State campaigns on similar lines. Himachal Pradesh is organizing State Ksharsutra campaign on 10-11 December, 2007 at Palampur, Andhra Pradesh on 12-13 December 2007 at Hyderabad, Kerala State on 19-20 December, 2007 at Thiruvananthapuram, Jammu & Kashmir on 26-27 December, 2007 at Jammu and Government of Uttrakhand will organize State campaign-cum-workshop on Ksharsutra on 29-30 December, 2007 at Dehradun.

A standardized training module in this regard has been prepared which will be implemented in the 15 regional Ksharsutra training-cum-treatment centers in the country. For sustainable research and development on the Ksharsutra technique, a National Resource Centre – a Centre of Excellence on Ksharsutra will be established in the faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi.

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(Release ID :33971)

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