Selja calls for reaching out to new and potential source markets to broad base visitor porfile and augment tourist arrivals from all countries TOURISM MINISTRY WINS TWO PATA GOLD AWARDS

for Ministry of Tourism | Date - 03-08-2009

The union Tourism Minister Kumari Selja has called upon all stakeholders in the tourism sector to reach out to new and potential source markets, to broad base visitor profile and augment tourist arrivals from all countries to India. Inaugurating a two day Overseas Marketing Meet here today she said, While continuing with our thrust in our traditional source markets, we should target all those countries from where the growth in tourist arrivals has been encouraging. She said, as an initiative in this direction, the Ministry of Tourism, in collaboration with the PATA India Chapter, will be organizing a series of Road Shows in the Scandinavian countries covering Finland, Stockholm and Norway later this month. The Minister said, Promotional Events are being arranged in Russia as well in September 2009, with the Experience India Society and ICCR.

Here is the full text of Minister’s speech:

“I am very happy to be here today at the Overseas Marketing Meet, which has given me the opportunity to interact once again with the travel industry and for the first time with the Overseas Officers of the Ministry of Tourism. At the outset, it gives me great pleasure to announce that the Ministry of Tourism has been announced the winner of two prestigious PATA Gold Awards this year. These Gold Awards are in the Marketing Media – ‘Travel Advertisement Broadcast Media’ and ‘Travel Poster’ category. It is very encouraging for us that our efforts are being recognized internationally and this motivates us to go forward and achieve greater heights.

Friends, this Overseas Marketing Meet assumes great significance in context of the world tourism scenario today, when the global economic slow down has adversely affected tourism the world over. The impact has been felt in India too and there has been a decline of 9.3% in foreign tourist arrivals to the country between January and June 2009 as compared to the corresponding period last year.

In order to counter this negative impact, the Ministry of Tourism has taken a number of promotional initiatives during the year, for promoting India as a tourist destination and increasing tourist arrivals to the country. These promotional initiatives have been taken in collaboration and association with all the stakeholders in the tourism industry, since without the active involvement of all segments of the travel industry, it would be difficult for the Ministry of Tourism to achieve the desired results.

We have had Road Shows in many important source markets overseas, including USA, Canada, UK & Ireland, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and Dubai, and I am glad to learn from the trade that these Road Shows were very successfully organized, with the support of our Overseas Offices. We have launched a “Visit India 2009 Year” under which incentives are being offered by airlines, hotels, tour operators, wellness centres & resorts and others, to all tourists visiting the country during the current year. Media and outdoor advertising campaigns have been launched in all important cities worldwide and “Incredible India” has been visible at the International Film Festival at Cannes, the Penn Station in New York, metro station in Singapore, on hoardings in Tokyo, Milan, cable cars in San Francisco, taxis, buses and trams in Tokyo, Milan, New York, Miami, Chicago, London, Seoul, Philadelphia, Toronto, Bahrain and Muscat and many others.

As a result of these sustained efforts, the downward trend in foreign tourist arrivals to the country has shown improvement and in the month of June 2009, for the first time in the last 8 months, there was a positive growth of 0.2% in foreign tourist arrivals to the country.

It is very important for all of us to now work together and put in our combined efforts, not only to sustain the growth rate which we had achieved prior to the economic meltdown, but to further increase the growth achieved as well as the share of India in world tourist arrivals.

Our ancient culture and heritage are the biggest strengths of our tourism product, but in addition to our cultural sites and historical monuments, we must also promote new and diverse tourism products, which could attract tourists from overseas in larger numbers.

There are many initiatives underway for the development of niche tourism products. Guidelines are being framed for development and promotion of Caravan Tourism as well as Heliport Tourism for destinations in hilly and remote areas which have tourism potential but lack good connectivity. The Ministry will also grant central financial assistance to State Governments / UT Administrations for construction of one Convention Centre in each State / Union Territory, for promotion of MICE Tourism.

We have a unique product in our Rural Tourism scheme, which showcases the rural life, art, culture and heritage at rural locations and in villages in India. This scheme benefits the local community economically and socially and enables interaction between tourists and the local population for an enriching tourist experience. There are several rural tourism sites which are ready to receive overseas visitors and it is important for the tour operators to develop packages for these sites and promote the same in the overseas offices with the support of our overseas offices.

Wellness & Medical Tourism is another area where India has a distinct advantage, with its rich heritage of traditional and natural medicine. Moreover, the country has also made tremendous advancements in the field of modern medicine and health care techniques, with state of the art infrastructure and technology available in the country, at comparatively lower rates than in other countries. For providing greater exposure to this segment, the Ministry of Tourism is organizing a focused Medical Tourism Road Show in Dubai in October. We are also providing financial support to service providers under the Market Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme for the promotion of Medical Tourism.

Adventure Tourism opportunities in India are innumerable – there is wide scope for varied adventure related activities in the Himalayan ranges, the Wildlife Parks and Sanctuaries, the rivers, oceans and other natural sites in the country. Adventure Tourism Road Shows, being organized in collaboration with the Adventure Tour Operators Association of India, will help in promoting these activities to a targeted audience in Australia and New Zealand.

We have an ancient Buddhist Heritage, with several important sites associated with the life of Lord Buddha, which are of great interest for followers of Buddhism the world over. For promoting tourism in the Buddhist circuit, the Indian Railways have launched a special tourist train – the ‘Mahaparinirvana’. The train starts from Delhi and the eight day package covers the important Buddhist sites of Bodhgaya, Nalanda, Rajgir, Varanasi, Kushinagar and Sravasti. There is a great potential for promoting tourism to the Buddhist sites in India and all efforts must be made to drive tourist traffic to these sites.

While continuing with our thrust in our traditional source markets, it is also necessary to reach out to new and potential source markets, to broad base our visitor profile and augment tourist arrivals from all countries. We should target all those countries from where the growth in tourist arrivals has been encouraging. As an initiative in this direction, the Ministry of Tourism, in collaboration with the PATA India Chapter, will be organizing a series of Road Shows in the Scandinavian countries covering Finland, Stockholm and Norway later this month. Promotional Events are being arranged in Russia as well in September 2009, with the Experience India Society and ICCR.

We are all aware that the Commonwealth Games are scheduled to be held in Delhi in 2010. Teams from Commonwealth Nations the world over would be participating in the Games, which are expected to provide a major boost to tourism in the country. It is a great opportunity for India to showcase its vast and diversified culture, heritage and rich history to the world and to promote the image and profile of Incredible India worldwide.

Friends, I am happy to see that many of our focus areas have been included for discussion and interaction during various sessions in the Overseas Marketing Meet. My vision for this Meet, however, goes beyond the discussions and interactions that will be taking place during the next one and half days. I think we need to put greater emphasis on Capacity Building for all professionals in the tourism industry and with this objective in mind, we have arranged a three day professional training programme for our officers, immediately after this Meet. This training will be conducted by IIT, Delhi and I am sure it will be very beneficial in giving a new perspective on Promotion and Marketing to our officers.

The travel industry as well as the overseas officers, who are the face of India Tourism in the overseas markets, are together here in this common forum and I would request all of you to deliberate on the best way forward for achieving our common objective of projecting and promoting “Incredible India” as a tourist destination, in all parts of the world”.



(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)