Selection of Deserving Sportspersons

for Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports | Date - 11-03-2015




(i)List of core probables and basis of their selection.

(ii)Details of coaching camps organized including venue, dates and list of participants.

(iii)Notification of selection criteria for such events well in advance along with the details of time and venue for selection;

(iv)List of the athletes selected.

(v)Details of athletes, support personnel and other officials sent to the event along with the amount paid to them towards air fare, boarding and lodging, local transportation, daily allowance, etc.  This is required to be placed on the website within 15 days of the conclusion of the event.

(vi)Performance criteria which formed the basis of selection, actual performance in terms of timing, distance, etc. and the position obtained by each athlete/team.


The Minister said, in order to ensure adequate representation of sports persons in the sports bodies, the Government has issued Guidelines for inclusion of sportspersons (say 25%) with voting rights in the management of NSFs, which include persons from tribal areas also.


(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)