Schemes for Women and Child in up

for Ministry of Women and Child Development | Date - 06-03-2013

The Government has accorded high priority to the issue of malnutrition especially among women and children including young girls and is implementing several schemes/programmes through State Governments/UT Administrations in the country including the stat

through State Governments/UT Administrations in the country including the state of Uttar Pradesh.The schemes/ implemented by Ministry of Women and Child Development include the pregnant & lactating mothers and children under six years, and Gandhi (IGMSY), as direct targeted interventions for women, children & adolescent girls to improve nutritional status.

897 which are all . As per reports in January, from the 1 sanctioned (including Mini and on demand), 1,87,347 have been . The services are currently (January 2013) availed by 236.44 beneficiaries for supplementary nutrition which include 49.41lakh pregnant and lactating mothers.

provides a package of services including health and nutrition to adolescent girls in the age 11- 18 years (with a focus onUttar Pradesh on a pilot basis. 19.34 beneficiaries have been covered under the scheme in Uttar Pradesh in the year 2012-13 so far.

(IGMSY), a Conditional Cash Transfer scheme for pregnant and lactating (P&L) women to contribute to better enabling environment by providing cash incentives for improved health and nutrition to pregnant and nursing mothersThe scheme is being implemented initially on pilot basis in 3 selected districts in Uttar Pradesh.

been launched in the country including Uttar Pradesh.

such as National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), Mid-Day Meal Scheme, Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS), National Horticulture Mission, National Food Security Mission, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), , National Rural Drinking Water etc are implemented by the States/UT Administrations including Uttar Pradesh.All these schemes have potential to address one or other aspect of Nutrition.

Scheme with a budget allocation of . 1,23,580 during 12th Five Year Plan. The Administrative Approvals in this regard have since been issued to the States/.

includes addressing the gaps and challenges with(a) Special focus on children under 3 years and pregnant and lactating mothers(b) Strengthening and repackaging of services including , care and nutrition counseling services and care of severely underweight children (c)provision for an additional Worker cum Nutrition Counselor for focus on children under 3 years of age and to improve the family contact, care and nutrition counseling for P&L Mothers in the selected 200 high-burden districts across the country, besides having provision of link worker on demand from states (d) Provision for 5% crèche cum centre (e) Focus on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)(f) Ensuring convergence(g) Strengthening Governance – including , partnerships with Civil Societies, NGOs etc. (h) Decentralized Planning and Management and with flexible architecture; introduction of Annual Implementation Plan (APIP) () Improving Supplementary Nutrition including cost revision, (j)provision for construction and improvement of buildings of (k)Allocating adequate financial resources for other components including Monitoring and Management and Information System (MIS), Training and use of Information and communication technology (ICT), (l) To put ICDS in a mission mode etc. and (m) Revision of financial norms etc.

including districts from special category States and NER; andIn remaining districts in third year (2014-15)

ICDS Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) with the assistance of International Development Agency (World Bank) has been approved for select 162 districts of which 41 are in Uttar Pradesh.

. 1.236 during 12th Five Year Plan for strengthening and restructuring of Scheme. The ICDS Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) has a total allocation of . 2893 of which Phase I (3 years) is . 681.71 and Phase II (4 years) is . 2211.28

.For Uttar Pradesh, under ICDS, during 2011-12 funds released to U.P were . 90164.5 (General and Training) and . 131600.18 (SNP).For 2012-13 ( 28.2.13) the release was . 105664.72 (General and Training) and . 119286.46 (SNP).Under ISSNIP provision for phase I for Uttar Pradesh is . 14743.9 . Under , the release was . 11749.9 in 2011-12 and . 12975.2 in 2012-13 so far. Under IGMSY, the release was . 2294.67 in 2011-12.

. Krishna , Minister for Women and Child Development, in a written reply to the today.

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)