Revival Of Fertilizer Plants

for Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers | Date - 25-11-2014

The Government has laid a roadmap for achieving self-sufficiency in the production of the fertilizers by reviving defunct fertilizer units in various parts of the country and establishing new units along the route of the Natural Gas Grid

Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL), Fertilizers And Chemicals Travancore Ltd. (FACT)andBrahmaputra Valley Fertilizers Corporation Ltd. (BVFCL).  Out of these, the units of FCIL and HFCL are presently lying closed since 2002.  MFL, FACT andBVFCL are operational but sick companies.Details of revival/restructuring of these units are discussed below:

i.    JV formation through RoC                                 : By 30.11.2014

ii.        Financial closure & Zero date                            : By 1.01.2015

iii.       Commissioning of Project                    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â       : By 31.12.2018

i.               JV formation                                         Â Â Â Â Â Â Â    : By 31.12.2014

ii.              Award of contract to Technology Licensors    : By 31.03.2015

iii.             Project completion                                          : By 30.9.2018

To address the issue of sickness of BVFCL, based on the recommendations of Board for Reconstruction of Public Sector Enterprises (BRPSE), a comprehensive proposal seeking financial restructuring of BVFCL has been proposed to be placed before CCEA.  At present, the draft CCEA note is under Inter-ministerial consultation.

A comprehensive proposal seeking financial restructuring of MFL to address the issue of sickness was submitted to the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) to place it for the consideration/approval of BRPSE.    However DPE returned the proposal in July, 2014 stating that the post of Chairman, BRPSE and several other members are vacant.

comprehensive proposal seeking financial restructuring of FACT to address the issue of sickness was submitted to the Cabinet Secretariat to place it for the consideration/approval of CCEA.  Department of Expenditure has raised some issues on the matter.  Department of Fertilizers is in discussions with Department of Expenditure to resolve these issues. The financial revival package submitted by FACT is yet to be placed before CCEA.

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)