Under the Remote Village Electrification (RVE) Programme. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy receives proposals from the State Governments, for financial support for electrification through non-conventional energy sources of duly identified remote un-electrified census villages and un-electrified hamlets of electrified census villages. This include tribal villages as well as villages located in the mountain and forest areas. The task of identification of remote villages/hamlets has been entrusted to the Rural Electrification Corporation. Proposals are sanctioned once they are complete in all respects with requires documents and are in conformity with the RVE Programme. The State-wise details of such proposals are given below:
State-wise details of funds released under the RVE Programme
during the Last 3 years.
Rs. Lakhs
S No. State 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
1. Andhra Pradesh 0.00 7.00 0
2. Arunachal Pradesh 293.00 156.28 4.11
3. Assam 32.00 346.58 1861.77
4. Chhatisgarh 275.5 363 218.00
5. Gujarat 45.00 0.00 0.00
6. Haryana 0.00 123.99 0.00
7. Himachal Pradesh 160.00 64.88 0.00
8. Jammu & Kashmir 2.5 0.00 0.00
9. Jharkhand 1197.00 312 1011.00
10. Karnataka 49.00 0.00 0.00
11. Kerala 0.00 1.61 0.00
12. Madhya Pradesh 28.00 177.21 402.24
13. Maharashtra 285.00 810.86 940.00
14. Manipur 381.00 585.59 54.27
15. Meghalaya 0.00 135.72 102.60
16. Nagaland 0.00 17.34 0.00
17. Orissa 5.5 496.27 276.00
18. Rajasthan 247.00 51.00 575.46
19. Tripura 0.00 352.07 0.00
20. Uttarakhand 147.00 346.63 0.00
21. West Bengal 953.00 1366.26 0.00
State-wise details of proposals received and sanctioned for
electrification of REC Identified villages / hamlets
Arunachal Pradesh 128
Assam 462
Chhattisgarh 43
Gujarat 36
Haryana 149
Jharkhand 332
Karnataka 20
Madhya Pradesh 150
Maharashtra 255
Manipur 54
Meghalaya 70
Nagaland 3
Orissa 197
Rajasthan 303
Uttar Pradesh 17
Uttarakhand 119
West Bengal 5