Railways earnings from freight traffic exceed target in April-October 2004

for Ministry of Railways | Date - 23-11-2004

Indian Railways earned Rs. 16865.39 crores from 336.20 Million Tonnes (MTs) of revenue freight during the first seven months of the current financial year ending October 2004 compared to Rs. 15421.44 crores from 311.29 MTs during the corresponding period of the previous year. This represented an increase of 9.36 per cent.

Of the total earnings, Rs. 7131.93 crores came from transportation of 151.36 MTs of coal, Rs. 634.73 crores from 23.45 MTs of raw material to steel plants, Rs. 827.07 crores from MTs of finished iron and steel from steel plants, Rs. 729.50 crores from 20.87 MTs of iron ore for exports, Rs. 1376.80 crores from 30.38 MTs of cement, Rs. 1870.22 crores from 27.25 MTs of foodgrains, Rs. 739.09 crores from 16.23 MTs of fertilizers, Rs. 1542.33 crores from 18.25 MTs of Petroleum Oil and Lubricant (POL), and Rs. 1950.62 crores from 39.36 MTs of other goods.

During the period, the freight traffic in Net Tonne Kilo Metres (NTKMs) in millions increased by 8.99 per cent from 212603 million NTKMs in 2003-2004 to 231711 NTKMs to end of October 2004.

Earnings per million tonne increased by 1.56 per cent from Rs. 49.54 per cent from Rs. 49.54 crores to Rs. 50.31 crores per million tonne.

Earnings in paise per net tonne kilometre increased by 0.34 per cent from 72.54 paise to 72.79 paise.
(Release ID :5016)

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)