Proposal for Upgradation of Forest Villages into Revenue Village

for Ministry of Tribal Affairs | Date - 06-12-2012


2,474 forest villages/ habitations spread over 12 States including Assam.Under the programme, funds are released out of Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Plan for infrastructure work relating to basic services and facilities viz. approach roads, healthcare, primary education, minor irrigation, rainwater harvesting, drinking water, sanitation, community halls, etc. for development of Forest Villages.So far this Ministry has released Rs.65379.04 lakh for the development of these forest villages.The at Annexure. The programme is being implemented due through Forest Development Agencies (FDA) in the State Governments.FDAs are under the administrative control of the Forest Departments of the concerned States.The funds allocated to the State Governments and utilization reported by them is at Annexure.

of forest villages into revenue villages. However, the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, administered by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for recognition and vesting of forest rights of the forest dwelling Scheduled Tribes and other traditional forest dwellers recognizes the rights of settlement and conversion of all forest villages, old habitations, villages and other villages in forests, whether recorded, notified or not into revenue villages. As per the provisions of the Act and the Rules framed , the forest right related to conversion of forest villages into revenue villages is to be adjudicated by the Gram Sabha, Sub-Divisional Level Committee and the District Level Committee as per the laid down procedure, like any other forest right specified in the Act. After the enactment of the Act, the Ministry has not received any report regarding the conversion of the forest villages into revenue villages as per the provisions of the Act.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Tribal Affairs Smt. in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)