Over 42 crore electors representing almost 71% of the eligible voters in the country have been provided with photo identity cards (EPICs) by now. In Kerala, every eligible voter has been provided with EPIC. A statement showing the progress in issuing photo identity cards to the voters in the country is given below:
Sl.No. | State/Union Territory | Total electors w.r.t. 1.1.2005 roll | Electors issued with identity cards | % of EPIC issued |
1. | Andhra Pradesh | 52,215,678 | 38,889,946 | 74.48 |
2. | Arunachal Pradesh | 624,086 | 304,822 | 48.84 |
3. | Assam | 14,995,084 | 67,479 | 0.45 |
4. | Bihar | 51,144,882 | 40,701,930 | 79.58 |
5. | Chhattisgarh | 13,904,884 | 9,620,499 | 69.19 |
6. | Goa | 952,723 | 776,688 | 81.52 |
7. | Gujarat | 33,847,275 | 24,807,957 | 73.29 |
8. | Haryana | 12,642,552 | 11,187,854 | 88.49 |
9. | Himachal Pradesh | 4,159,962 | 3,053,116 | 73.39 |
10. | Jammu and Kashmir | 6,345,696 | 3,198,936 | 50.41 |
11. | Jharkhand | 17,736,462 | 10,635,945 | 59.97 |
12. | Karnataka | 39,947,927 | 32,517,985 | 81.40 |
13. | Kerala | 20,824,302 | 20,824,302 | 100.00 |
14. | Madhya Pradesh | 38,386,651 | 27,254,099 | 71.00 |
15. | Maharashtra | 62,667,450 | 44,455,999 | 70.94 |
16. | Manipur | 1,667,729 | 2841 | 0.17 |
17. | Meghalaya | 1,335,812 | 723657 | 54.17 |
18. | Mizoram | 559,132 | 401,814 | 71.86 |
19. | Nagaland | 1,040,347 | 723,749 | 69.57 |
20. | Orissa | 26,231,561 | 20,701,672 | 78.92 |
21. | Punjab | 16,659,243 | 12,025.689 | 72.19 |
22. | Rajasthan | 34,751,347 | 26,900,347 | 77.41 |
23. | Sikkim | 288,674 | 220,297 | 76.31 |
24. | Tamil Nadu | 46,288,197 | 35,026,156 | 75.67 |
25. | Tripura | 2,130,299 | 1,427,146 | 66.99 |
26. | Uttar Pradesh | 114,012,751 | 63,895,986 | 56.04 |
27. | Uttaranchal | 5,640,034 | 3,938,864 | 69.84 |
28. | West Bengal | 48,085,522 | 40,862,587 | 84.98 |
29. | Andaman and Nikobar Island | 250,191 | 214282 | 85.65 |
30. | Chandigarh | 563,610 | 301,688 | 53.53 |
31. | Dadar & Nagar Haveli | 126,256 | 83,615 | 66.23 |
32. | Daman & Diu | 80,961 | 59,847 | 73.92 |
33. | Lakshadweep | 39,892 | 36,506 | 91.51 |
34. | NCT of Delhi | 9,337,971 | 6,007,549 | 64.33 |
35. | Pondicherry | 638,099 | 638,099 | 100.00 |
Total | 680,123,242 | 482,489,948 | 70.94 |
The use of electors’ photo identity cards by the Election Commission of India has been making the electoral process simple, smoother and quicker. The electoral rolls are revised every year with first January of the year as the qualifying date. All persons who attain 18 years or above as on that date are eligible for inclusion in the electoral roll and can apply for it. Once they are registered in the roll, they would be eligible for getting an EPIC. Hence, the scheme of issuing EPIC is a continuous and on-going process.
The Election Commission is in overall charge of implementation of the scheme of issuing photo identity cards to electors. The Commission also monitors the progress of the scheme on a regular basis throughout the country. The goal is to check bogus voting during elections.