President inaugurates Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Lalit Kala Adademy INDIAN ART GAINS INTERNATIONAL STATUS : REDDY

for Ministry of Culture | Date - 09-08-2004

Art is enduring and it spans the bridge between human contrivance and organic growth immortalizing it in the process. This was stated by the Minister of Information & Broadcasting and Culture, Shri S. Jaipal Reddy at the Golden Jubilee celebrations of Lalit Kala Akademi, which was inaugurated by the President Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam here today. The Minister said that Lalit Kala Akademy, which was the Government of India endeavor to promote the Arts among the grass root level, has taken up this job with full responsibility and enthusiasm and has completed 50 years of its life. He said that with the support of the Lalit Kala Akademy Indian art has gained an International status and also attempted reach to common man.

Seventeen eminent Indian artists were felicitated with the Lalita Kala Ratna for lifetime contribution to art by the President. The awardees include Akbar Padamsee, Amar Nath Sehgal, Chintamoni Kar, Jehangir Sabavala, KG Subramanyan, Kapila Vatsayayan, Krishen Khanna, MF Husain, Mulk Raj Anand, Paritosh Sen, Ram Kumar, SH Raza, Sankho Chaudhuri, Satish Gujral, Shanti Dave, Somnath Hore and Tyeb Mehta.

Congratulating the awardees, Shri Reddy said that these honoured artists have not only made a special position for themselves but also became a source of inspiration for the youth and the children of the whole world.

To commemorate its Golden Jubilee year, the Akademy will be organizing a year long programme of events to be held in partnership with a wide range of art institutions and practitioners. The yearlong calendar of events will reflect the Akademy’s achievements in the last 50 years and contribution to developing and promoting Indian visual arts nationally and internationally. It will target artists, cultural experts and other segments of the society to seek an all-inclusive participation and an attempt will be made to look forward to the future and use the platform here in Delhi and in the other metros through its expanding network of regional centres to focus on the Akademy’s plans in the coming years.
(Release ID :3016)

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