Panchayati Raj: developmental initiatives taken by elected representatives

for Ministry of Panchayati Raj | Date - 11-07-2008

Panchayats are partly viewed as sources of information on schemes and developmental efforts that may or may not be utilized by the village community. In the era of mass media there are many other sources of such information. The awareness of people regarding the various development and poverty-reduction schemes is an indication of the efforts taken by the elected representatives in disseminating information.

Elected representatives were queried about the roles played by them for providing civil amenities like streetlights, drinking water, etc. during their current term. Almost 72 per cent of them reported being involved and among them there was again a higher proportion of Pradhans(89%) as compared to Ward Members. There was also the familiar variation between male (76%) and female representatives (70%).

When questioned about the types of amenities they helped provide, the majority of elected representatives mentioned drinking water (86.4%), followed by road construction (74.3%) and sanitation (70%). The comparison between the priorities of the male and female representatives must be noted: a higher proportion of women reported they helped provide street lights (61% as compared to 57% males), drinking water (87% to 85%), construction of bus shelters (33% to 25%). However, no significant differences were observed between the two gender groups with respect to services like electricity connections, construction of roads or sanitation.

Other than these developmental issues, the survey sought to test whether the process of empowerment through Panchayati Raj had helped in other areas like increasing female literacy levels or check incidents of domestic violence. The women representatives were questioned about their involvement in promoting school enrolment of girl children and their role in reducing incidents of domestic violence. Almost 78 percent of female Pradhans reported making special efforts to encourage girls to go to school, in comparison to 59 percent of the female Ward Members.

(Release ID :40261)

(This is an archive of the press release and has not been edited by our staff.)